Any Tips? 2 Adults 2 small children pacakage sun holiday


Were off on a package sun holiday two adults and two small children (<5). Does anyone have any tips on how to have stress free holiday? (for instance a checklist of things to pack, or activities to keep the kids active).

Who are you flying with ?

Ryanair normally board families first but be prepared to push your way to the front !
Make sure you a few new toys or books for the plane to keep them amused. Lots of nibbles and drinks and something to suck for take off and landing.

How old are the kids ? If still in nappies then take more than you think you'll need just in case.

For the sun I recommend the sunsuits and the legionaires type hats. Bring a few fav toys. If you are going to be at the beach buy a small paddle pool that you can fill up and have beside your sunbeds so they can play without you being worried they are at the waters edge.

Try alsp

Lots of great tips there
Enjoy the trip
All good sound advice. If the younger one is teething - and in any case, tbh - stock up on Calpol <6, too. If the resort has a kiddies' club that accomodates their ages, get down there early on the first day, hang around for a while to make sure they're settling in OK, fix the 'minder' with a couple of icy smiles to make sure they understand how important it is to you that yours kids look forward to their daily couple of hours for the next fortnight, etc.
keep a sweet for landing too. especially if its malaga where the plane can come down pretty steeply over the mountains. for eating in take some of their favourites , then you have few days to sus out the local eating spots. most of the food is universal now anyway but sometimes younger ones have their own favourites ie spagetti hoops, certain cereals for brekkie. its no bother getting fresh milk in the local supermarket, and there will be a hugh choice of orange juices available. also i read that salt loss can be made up for by a packet of crisps but dont carry these. and if you are going to portugal dont take towels, they are better quality and cheaper out there, so any room you need for food going out you can use for towels coming back. enjoy the hols.
Hi Ajapale
Hope you have a lovely holiday ... travelling with small kids is not as hard as it appears ... if you have assigned seats on the plane don't be in any hurry to get on ... you will be sitting still long enough. Make sure you take the children to the toilet 2 minutes before you get on as they will surely need to go as soon as they get on board and aeroplane toilets are a bit scary for little ones.
If you are going to spain, stock up on things like calpol or neurofen while you are there (junifen in spain) ... about 50% cheaper than at home. You can also buy antibiotics without prescription ... but we always take a dry (not made up by pharmacist) bottle with us just in case.
It's well worth waking the children in the night time (before you go to bed yourselves) and giving them a drink to prevent dehydration ... the main cause of crankiness. Above all, don't panic ... you'll have a ball.
Thanks everyone! Some really useful information there. Ill post again on our return.
Ajapale - could you say where you are going as in a similiar situation myself with 2 small kids and looking for suggestions for where to go (have posted another thread on this)