Hi Trivia
Can you clarify please as I think that Gordon has misread your post?
If you pay off €50,000 on a mortgage with a 1% rate
You will save €500 a year
You will get relief on 75% of it or €375
You will save around €200 tax.
So you are saving €300 net by paying €50,000 off an investment property mortgage.
If you have a mortgage on your home, it would make more sense to pay down that mortgage instead as the rate would be in excess of 0.5%.
If you have any plans for the money e.g. upgrading your home or buying a car, then you are better off holding onto the money.
If you own your own home and don't have a mortgage and you have a reasonable income, then I think you should invest the €50k in shares. The long term return should be in excess of 0.3% net. Of course there is a risk that the shares might fall in value, but I assume you can handle that risk.