Any spare Gmail invites?



Hey all,
If anyone else has a spare Gmail invite i would take very good care of it.
Email is roytheboyo at hotmail dot com. (original or what!)
Re: invites

Any more invites spare by any chance?

Address deleted


Have fun.

Oh and watch out for hotmail. Last time I heard it moved any gmail invites to the trash/spam folder automatically. So have a look there if it doesn't appear.
Have I missed something majorly important??? what is Gmail?
Thanks a million machalla, I'm really glad to have this. How did you and others get the invites in the first place??

Thanks to irishpancake(?) also!
Gmail is the new Google E-mail, which gives 1Gbyte storage.

[broken link removed]

It is Beta at the moment, and you need to be invited to join by existing subscribers, hence the "invites" post.
Have been looking for a gmail invite without success for a year.
Any chance a spare one is going abegging?
benny99 at rock dot com

Joe - Just changed the e-mail format in case the trollers pick it for spamming you.
I've got 3 spare ones also if anyone is interested

In case anyone was wondering, you dont automatically get 6 invites once you open your account.
You'll have to give it a few days and then they appear. Even after youve used these up, you may get more in the future.

Also, as its still only in beta, if anyone has a "primary" mail address, I would advise keeping it as your primary until google release the mail system into production.
Re: invites

Hi car, could you kindly elaborate on the significance of the system being in beta? I haven't a clue what that means!
Re: invites

could you kindly elaborate on the significance of the system being in beta? I haven't a clue what that means!

In beta basically means in testing - in this case by invited users.
Re: invites

Got that cullenswood, thank you very much, should be a big improvement over hotmail!
Thanks for the clarification ClubMan.
I got gmail invites if anyone wants one pm me id be happy to give them out