any redundancy entitlement for fixed term contractors?


Registered User
does anyone know whether people who have been on renewed fixed term contracts (Public Sector) and who will not have contracts renewed/extended due to the recruitment embargo are entitled to any statutory redundancy payment. I assumed not but someone else at work has implied that this is not the case.
how long has your fixed term contract been for and how many times has it been renewd over that period?
Various extensions in Y1 for first 9 months (with a break of 2 weeks over Christmas during this period, HR forgot!) then a one year contract which has been renewed/extended for further one year periods three times. Coming up to renewal date again shortly.
Did your service remain unbroken on your employment record in the 2 weeks that you were out of contract due to HR forgetting to renew it?
To be honest I have never asked whether or not it remained unbroken. I have always assumed it would be regarded as a break and assumed the clock was reset to Jan. They maintained it was not intentional at the time but back then I didn't know anything about the Public service so never asked. I have been on a panel almost 3 years now.