Any recurring dreams (usual or unusual)?


Registered User
I got thinking about this while reading about the unusual phobia thread. Has anyone have a recurring dream that they dream over and over again?

I have one and it has been happening all my life. Nothing scary and it doesn’t bother me but it just shows what happens in childhood can affect you through out your life.

Mine is the family from “The Little House on the Prairie” (the Ingells) come to live with me and I show them all the modern conveniences like electricity, motor cars, inside plumbing etc and they marvel at it.

A pretty bland dream but amazing how it re-occurs over and over again. Not every night but at least once a week over the last 30 years!
I use to think that after every episode of Little House of the Prairie Laura left the house and ran down that hill. Every week I waited for her to go tumbling but she never did.
I often dream that I'm back in school and worrying about exams. I dreamt it again last night; this time I was trying to find the toilets and kept walking through roomfuls of people doing Christmas exams.
Leaving Cert

At least once a month I dream that I've just realised I have maths and history the next day, I can clearly see our 2 history books and the thickness of them and I'm wondering how in all that's good will I get through even 5 or 6 topics. As for the maths side of it, there wasn't much point in panicking then...........certainly no point now lol. But it's the same dream over and over and the relief if great when I wake up so I'm quite happy to keep having it!
A few times a year I dream that I have a leaving certificate maths exam the next day, and I am not prepared for it. I have had that recurring dream for over 15 years now.
I used to have those exam dreams but not for years now. I have those falling dreams everynow and then, I think most people do.

But recently I've been having the same dream over and over- Rachel Allen is in my kitchen and she and I are looking for some baking implement in the cupboards and neither of us can find it. I find it very disturbing on many levels.:p
I used to have those exam dreams but not for years now. I have those falling dreams everynow and then, I think most people do.

But recently I've been having the same dream over and over- Rachel Allen is in my kitchen and she and I are looking for some baking implement in the cupboards and neither of us can find it. I find it very disturbing on many levels.:p

Imagine how strange a dream it would be if, when you opened some cupboard, you found Bertie inside it!!

By the way, what is the lovely Rachel wearing in your dreams? ;)
Had a dream two nights ago that 3 armed raiders broke into our house. I was the only one that got shot, thank god the missus and kids survived.

Last night, was away in a hotel, the room got robbed. I caught the thief, the cleaning lady.

God, Im having a bad run of things.
I have a drean about my bank branch being robbed. In the branch members of the public can come in behind the counter and stand beside me as I am trying to conduct my business with other members of the public. My "cash" is displayed on the counter for all to see and handle. When I was working in banking my branches were robbed over 9 times and I was directly involved in about 6 of the robberies. Colleagues were involved in the others but I was still affected by their experiences. The last robbery was about 15 years ago.