Any recommended outlets or websites to seek more thorough and professional tax advice?


Registered User
I tried asking in citizens info but they sent me the direction of the actual revenue office, which is a total waste of time and information from revenue is diabolical and takes an eternity.

Any actual recommended tax-advice institutions?


PS - I've prefer not to have to pay an in-office advisor for what should be straight forward information.
I never thought I'd feel sorry for an accountant or tax advisor but...
Seeing as the Revenue are not tax advisors, you will have difficulty in getting tax advice from them.

Seeing as you are not willing to pay for tax advice, I can't give you any recommendations as the ones I use give tax advice as their job. I guess you'll have to use Google and see what free information is available online.
This poster apparently doesn't want to even pay peanuts but expects instant, individual and bespoke advice that matches their world view.