Any recommendations for a disk usage tracking manager for home PC


Registered User
I'm running close to my capacity limit on my hard drive, so I need to do some spring cleaning. I'm looking for some free utility that will help me analyse what users/folders/file types are taking up most space. Something like the Treesize tool, but free.

I found this listing of similar tools, but I'd really like to get a personal recommendation; [broken link removed]
JDiskReport from JGoodies

Shows disk usage in pie-chart format. Allows you to drill down a folder tree, to about 5 levels.

Works well for me
Thanks guys, it's amazing what you find when you go digging. I found 1 GB of old photos in the

C:\Users\Complainer\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Photo Gallery\Original Images

folder. It held the original of any photo that I rotated or cropped - that's a lot of photos.

Can I do anything with the 'Java6 (TM) Update x' where x = 2, 3, 5 or 7 - 130Mb each, so that's half a gig lying there. Do I need to keep all of the old version installed?