Any posters aged around the 40 mark or over?

can any posters attest to the accuracy of the saying 'life begins at 40'
Being a die-hard pro-lifer I have to say that life begins at fertilisation . I think the saying about 40 being the new 30 is more apt today. I very recently moseyed over the 40 line. To me, hitting 40 simply means that one has completed their 40th year and has started their 41st.
We don't have kids and won't be having any and I guess that might make a big difference to our attitude/outlook.
I'd say that makes a huge difference. I've a geansaí-lode of kids and have zero interest in my age.
the only one I lack is how to know what a woman is thinking.
Usually shopping .
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<snip>I dont have children because of the circumstances and timings of my long term relationships, (2 relationships totalling 23 years) and that is a bit of a regret, though I am not going to dwell on it.

Sounds like you re-invented yourself in all these people's eyes - subtly.

I know one lady who had a child at 39 - its keeping her young - and busy.

From a fab 40 year old.

Hi Manda, that was a fab post!

Shame there's no Thanks button on this site!

From a single 50
(...although I do have a teenager - who keeps me up to date on the slang and the trends.)