Any posters aged around the 40 mark or over?

My 40th is disappearing rapidly in my rear view mirror. To all intents and purposes, I am middle-aged, yet in my head ..

About 20 years ago, there was a guy in work who, to me, seemed ancient. Last year it hit me (hard ) that he was, back then, younger than I am now.
I find it scary that when I meet up with friends I havent seen in a while the grey hair is far more prominent!!

For years my friends looked the same to me, but in the past 5 years the age is starting to show.

To say nothing of the lines I see on my own face when I look in the mirror - why oh why am I so expressive - Im gonna end up like one of those wrinkly dogs before too long!!!
I was around the 40 mark seventeen years ago .Personally speaking, although I head towards - and look forward to - retirement, I must say that I enjoy what life has to offer, still love my husband, kids AND grandkids. Apart from work, I don't take myself too seriously. I've got a couple of good friends that I would trust completely. Watch very little telly - reading and playing cards is our thing. All in all, I would love to stay in this part of life's journey. The worries and insecurities have evaporated. Oh, I forgot - a few lines here and there, two beautifully symmetric crows feet and things generally heading south. I understand these things and put up very little resistance. An optimistic pragmatist I guess.
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I'll be 40 next week. I remember as a child finding out my mothers age (33) and thinking that it was ancient.

That said, I don't feel old. I still play 5 aside and when I tell people I am 40 they seem shocked (not sure if that is a good thing or not!!).

I can remember my first day in nursery school, primary school, communion and confirmation and they seem like they happened last year.
I remember my first kiss as if it were just last week.

A lot of people I know fear getting older but I have no issue with it. I don't hide my age and I think people who do are silly.

However, the years do fly by...
Big difference you do notice between being 25/30 and being 40:

- When mates around 25/30 all meet up their idea of a good nights craic is getting mangled on an all-day session, off to a nightclub, shots, more shots, a kebab, sick, bed at 5am, hangover all next day.

- When mates around 40 meet up, their idea of a good nights craic is meeting for a meal around 8pm, a few socialable pints or maybe a nice glass of wine with the meal, chatting about events mentioned above, chatting about the family, and heading off to bed for 1am, up early next day with little or no hangover.
Reached it a short number of years ago and I know Cav is too much of a gentleman to ask how many (more likely too afraid to ask ).

Firm believer that as long as I have my health and sense of humour I don't give a damn what age I am. If I could only get my hands on this fella I'm sure I'd feel even younger but sure you can't blame a girl for trying

It can be quite frightening first thing in the morning when you catch sight of yourself in the mirror and while you still feel young inside you have to say to yourself 'who's that ol' one lookin' back at me'
+1 Sue Ellen.... (to yr 2nd paragraph!!) lol
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If I could only get my hands on this fella I'm sure I'd feel even younger but sure you can't blame a girl for trying

My daughter just got the entire boxed set of ER from Amazon, I could persuade her to lend it to you if you want to spend a weekend with him Sue Ellen

It can be quite frightening first thing in the morning when you catch sight of yourself in the mirror and while you still feel young inside you have to say to yourself 'who's that ol' one lookin' back at me'

I pasted a 3' x 2' of this fella on the bathroom mirror, really makes you feel good when you look into it first thing on a morning .

This reminds me someone talking about her 90yr old Mother in Law and a trip she had going to the library. I suggested she could avail of the mobile library who would come out with some books to her & save the trip. To which I was informed she was actually going to the library to give a class on art appriciation!!

Apparently she also does meals on wheels - she delivers them out to the "old folk"
I don't feel my age at my early 40's - except when I realise the people around me are getting older, my cousin who I used to babysit is now married with kids, my brother is nearly 50, I have an adult nephew...and most of all the fact I have a 16 year old son while I can well remember being 16 like it was last week, those are my moments.
I find myself looking at teenagers and people in their early twenties and thinking 'are they mad!! They'll get pneumonia going out like that!' It seems like no time since my mother couldn't understand why buttoning up your school gaberdine on a freezing cold day just wasn't cool!

My head was cold in bed the other night and I put on a ski type hat, one that come down over the ears. My (new) husband took one look and said 'oh my god, my beautiful young bride has turned into Old Auntie Bessie in her Sleep Bonnet'

But my head was cold!!
Interesting and funny replies.

We don't have kids and won't be having any and I guess that might make a big difference to our attitude/outlook.

This is roughly where we are now - I say 'roughly' in that the hangovers still surface the odd time (strangely enough they coincide with the odd 'later than 1am' night too )

There are some things I hope will change a little as I get older, some things I hope won't and some things I don't really care either way about I suppose.
I'm 45 and If I had my time again I'd change everything! I hear so many people older than me saying 'I wouldn't change a thing' well I would! I would change everything. That song My Way does my head in - the line 'Regrets? - I've had a few' a few? My life is one long regret ..
I'm nearer 50 than 40 and have no regrets other than I haven't won the lotto yet !!! At 20 an older colleague (only 30 but seemed ancient) warned me to enjoy life and don't turn around in 10 years time and say "oh god, I wish I'd done ......." I took the advice and enjoyed my life - not in the drink/drugs/wild life way but I travelled wide and far, took jobs cos I enjoyed them instead of for the money. Met a nice partner, got married, had kids and I'm still enjoying everything. The only time I really realise my age is when I look in the mirror in the morning. I took up cycling recently and can out-cycle alot of the younger ones. Used to always hate the expression "age is a frame of mind" but its so true. Your only old in your head - physically and mentally you can be as young as you want.