Any posters aged around the 40 mark or over?


Registered User
...and has 'life begun' for you or did life begin for you?

Just wondering. A lot of folksy sayings seem to be rooted in accepted truths or experiences.

As I approach the milestone myself can any posters attest to the accuracy of the saying 'life begins at 40' and if it does, why or in what way?
Well I am a recent arrival in the 40something group, and to be honest things didn't change much - you're just a day older.

Having said that, I have my 1st baby on the way before Xmas, so I suppose you could say that my life is perhaps about to start all over again (oe end, depending on which way you look at it !!!).

I have heard some friends recently who had children (and who are in their mid 30s) that its a young mans game. Time will tell, eh?

To be honest, I'm very happy where I am right now, and am not sure if I would go back to my early 20s. All that drinking, partying, courting ... don't think I could do it all again
To be honest, I'm very happy where I am right now, and am not sure if I would go back to my early 20s. All that drinking, partying, courting ... don't think I could do it all again

It was hard work alright, all those late nights and though.

Ive a few years to go before the big 4-0 but will watch this thread with interest to see what I should be anticipating!!!
Age is irrelevant, it's all about attitude. I know some people in their early 20s and they are so negative about life and I know someone who is 91 and there aren't enough hours in the day for her to do all the things she wants to do. Don't think in terms of age just focus on having a positive attitude.
...and has 'life begun' for you or did life begin for you?

I turned 40 a few years ago ( not saying how many ) and a few months later I got one of [broken link removed]. It's been a blast since although there were the usual comments at the time from some sources about "mid-life crisis" I guess from 40's onwards you can get away with saying things you mightn't have said earlier and people just think you're cranky 'caus you're older . I guess with family largely grown up one does have more free time and can head out whenever you want without having to think of babysitters etc. As some wag once said, "you're only as old as you feel and if all yo do is feel then you must be old"
To be honest, I'm very happy where I am right now, and am not sure if I would go back to my early 20s. All that drinking, partying, courting ... don't think I could do it all again

Lies, I'm loving every second of it And I'm not even in my early 20's!!
Yes, and its dreadfull!!
Life as you thought it may be some day, just wont be..
You are now over the hill /past it,done for..
Whatever changes you were going to make you probably havnt/wont/cant.
Its too late now,time to get out the slippers

40 year olds are not what they used to be,for example my parents were considered old and appeared really old to me when they were 40.

These days,40s is the new 30s..people tend to take care of themselves much better now and there are so many products available now to help the ageing process

That being said,if you want to do something different with your life,you had better get your act together......soon......

Next thing you know you will be 50 and asking the same question..
... there are so many products available now to help the ageing process ...
I found and used them all - drink, drugs, tobacco, rock 'n roll, sex, etc.

As a 20-year old the doc warned me that all the drinking, drugging, sex parties, smoking and rocking-and-rolling would kill me, so I gave up singing.
Last time I went for a check-up, the nurse told me I'd have to stop playing with myself.

I asked her why, and she said: 'Because I'm trying to examine you!'
I believe that every decade of life has been great.

My working life was very varied and each job I did I enjoyed. Iam enjoying my retirement even though the old body (mine!) is starting to creak a bit.
Perhaps I should have mentioned the one major thing that I don't like about being 40+ (in fact I've had the problem for quite a few years now) - and thats the fact that I have a lot of aches and pains.

I can live with them but a lot of football and sports over many years on bad surfaces have started to take their toll on the old bones. Doesn't stop me still trying to play as often as possible though.

I have to admit that the day I have to hang the boots up will be a sad one for me. And obviously I have to accept it might not be far away
Age is irrelevant, it's all about attitude. I know some people in their early 20s and they are so negative about life and I know someone who is 91 and there aren't enough hours in the day for her to do all the things she wants to do.
Absolutely agree.
Totally agree. I know some real aul ones in their twenties and some people who are great fun in their forties and fifties.
You've a few years on me Cav, but not that many! Let us know what it feels like when it happens.
You've a few years on me Cav, but not that many! Let us know what it feels like when it happens.

I could offer you my accumulated wisdom but I've always believed that sense bought is better than sense taught.

Will PM you, Cav. There's one or two things you need to know..............
I celebrated the 10th aniversary of my 30th birthday earlier in the year, it was a bit of a downer to be honest, when I was younger, 40 seemed, well, old..........

I'm not sure if life begins at 40, but I do know, I'm glad I'm not starting out in my 20s in the current climate

It's a great excuse for presents though, wifey took me to Rome, excellent time