Any opinions on Ulster Bank /banking online


Registered User
Have anyone got any views on UB online banking.I have just spent 30 mins trying to make a simple application for this service without success.How can they offer the service when it is so difficult to even get an application registered
it is a pain getting set up but once its done its ok to use.
when i first stated using it, i had my passwords all set up, 2 different ones to get into my acc, then a few months later they changed them on me because of new software or something. all is well now.
Yeah when I set mine up it was a bit of a bitch alright. but now its grand. I much prefer banking with them too.
I can't log into it this morning. The page isn't coming up. I often have this problem in the morning. Someone needs to get into the office and give the server something like a power cycle or process restart