Any opinions on fitted wardrobes?


Registered User
Thinking about getting fitted wardrobes in as many bedrooms as we can afford, there is currently no fitted storage in the house and we need somewhere to put stuff. Just wondering if fitted wardrobes are considered a big no-no though cos I keep hearing about people ripping them out. I've seen nice ones in cash and carry or panelling centre. Thanks.
I agree with Dobber - Sliderobes are great, and not just for bedrooms. We have them in the sitting room also (for books, CDs, various paraphernalia that we want behind closed doors. There's a company like Sliderobes but a bit cheaper - can't remember the name. Will find out for you if you want.
Don't forget to haggle with the salesman the more rooms you get fitted the better discount you should get even if it's E100 off thats E100 that can go towards something else.

Good Luck

There is indeed another company, similar to Sliderobes - they are based in Ballyfermot ( Cherry Orchard Industrial Estate ), sorry can't recall their name right now, but their product looked excellent. Not cheap, unforunitely, expect to hear quotes of excess €2k for the main bedroom & close to double that per room afterwards.


Had no idea wardrobes were that expensive! Its part of a big renovation so we might get good deal on fitting by our kitchen fitter but I didn't know it would be in the thousands!!

Can I ask what you got in the sitting room Audrey, it is floor to ceiling cupboards? Does it look okay? We were thinking of more conventional bookshelves on top and cupboards on bottom but your idea is interesting.

I have freestanding wardrobes, bespoke and quiet substantial in my bedrooms. Try Cocoon Furnishings in Cork - they'll make them to spec but they aren't fitted so you can stick them in the removal van when you upgrade the house. I really hate giving my fictures and fittings to the next owner...

Hi Toby, only saw your post now. We got floor to ceiling, two door sliding, lovely finish - creamy painted glass with mahogany narrow surround (very oriental looking). You can, of course, have you want inside. I measured out what space I'd need for, say, A4 ring binders, hardback books, paperback books, CDs, CD unit, files, bits and pieces, and ordered exactly what I wanted. They make up the shelving (or whatever) in their own premises and bring it along to your house and nail it to the wall (excuse the non-technical language!), then they put on the surround and hang the doors, and the jobs Oxo! It didn't seem like a lot of money to me because in total it took everything that I already had on a floor-to-ceiling large book-case, a half size book-case, a smaller book-case and a few other bits and pieces, and it's still not full, and all behind closed doors so the place looks tidy (or at least tidier than before)! What were you thinking about?
I got a quote from sliderobes for large fitted wardrobe in bedroom recently - €3,500. Took a week off work and built a bigger wardrobe, similar spec., €850. Admittedly have my own tools and a few years experience messing around with diy... but bloody hell... that's quite a saving.

I know what you're thinking. No... it hasn't fallen down!
Cash & Carry are doing a nice range of wardrobes that are not built in but look like built in wardrobes not sure of their prices though although they are reasonable for kitchens

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Got a quote for 2 bedrooms from both Sliderobes and Robeplan, both wanted €4000 for the 2 rooms and this was mid 2005. They also said they would not remove the rubbish. The sliderobe idea is now on the back burner. Mad prices!!