Any one good with circuit boards


Registered User
Hello a small question, I need to know the name of a small diode resistor thingy on a circuit board, It looks like a blue or light purple smartie sweet with 2 wires/legs coming out of it.
I need to know the name so I can order one off radionics as Its like looking for a needle in a haystack when you don't know the name.
Also possibly mylar or resin dipped ceramic... You'll also need to know the capacitance in Farads, but this should be readable from the existing one.

Presume something isn't working. Is one of the leads broken?
Are you in Dublin. Radionics have a walk in office close to the canal.
Can you photograph the part and bring the photo to them
For someone that can't identify the component, are you in a position to find the fault and make the necessary repairs????????????????????????
The story goes like this. I bought a 3 phase car lift cause it came cheap. I then bought a 3 phase convertor but when I plugged it in smoke came from the control box, upon investigation I discovered that the motor ran off 3 phase and the control box side ran off 220volts however 400volt was going into it, the convertor was wired different to the lift so I swapped around the 3 phases till I got 220volts going to the control box and 400 to the motor and it rotating the proper way. There is a 220volt relay that operates an air valve that has 2 wires going to it, the 2 wires where bridged with this capacitor that burnt out when it got the 400 volts, This is my theory,I presume the capacitor would absorb the voltage spike created by the collapse of the magnetic field in the relay when it would be switched of and protect the other electrical components in the lift, that is if it is a capacitor, But it think from the replies I got it is. I am lucky cause everthing else is working fine. Anymore replies would be greatly appreciated.
If you got smoke you've probably got bigger problems than a dud capacitor. Chances are at least the relay is burnt out, what else is in this particular circuit? The capacitor will smooth the current, it will not limit or absorb voltage.