Any non Irish residents with a rented property in Ireland?


Registered User
Hi All,

We recently upped sticks and moved to Asia where we will be for the following 2 years. We rented out our apartment in Ireland and have paid the stamp duty clawback as we were not living there for 5+ years.

We have rented our property and presumed that the management agent we employed would look after the tax on our rental income however it now seems that the tenant is paying into our bank account in Ireland directly and therefore it should be them withholding the tax. We are going to pay our tax that we owe so we are just looking for other peoples experiences with how this is done. We have asked an account for advise and have been quoted 1k for them to help us out so we would like to try and get this sorted ourselves.

We left Ireland during the middle of a tax year and so we filled in a P50 to see if we were entitled to any tax back however revenue have replied to say that they cannot process a rebate while we are receiving rental income and we will have to apply for any monies owed to us when we submit out tax return at the end of the year,

So if anyone can let me know their experiences I would really appreciate it.

The management agent and the tenant cant be expected to pay income tax on your behalf, as they would know nothing about what other income you have or anything else they would need to know to pay your income tax.

As Rev have already pointed out to you, you have an income in this year, you cannot do a tax return until the end of the year.
The management agent and the tenant cant be expected to pay income tax on your behalf, as they would know nothing about what other income you have or anything else they would need to know to pay your income tax.

Not correct. As a non-resident landlord the agent or tenant HAS obligations to deduct tax and remit to Revenue. See

[broken link removed]

& look up the part on non-resident landlords
Thanks for your replies

Im just looking to see if anyone else has experience of this and how they handled it

Would love to hear about others experiences?
