Any issue buying an X-Box with Kinect in USA??

Betsy Og

Registered User
A relation in US wants to get our kids a good pressie, I would go halves with them on the above (its a Xmas pressie in the next couple of years anway, so maybe an early one).

I presume they are sold in US?, my sense is that US electronics are cheaper than Europe, is that the accepted wisdom?

Any technical issues in terms of interaction with computers or TV protocols - I think we'll get over the power source issue as most power leads have transformers anyway???

I've seen 4GB and & 250G versions, what the essential difference?? I have a 1 TB hard drive so I dont really need the storage space, but does it mean anything for the gameplay or functionality - e.g. if were online gaming?

Any other views? (other than I'm blackguarding my relation ! ) Thanks guys.
I've since learned that the X box is region locked, so basically a No No. Getting a PS3 there also has issues as has internal power unit so apparently not like swapping the lead.

Hey Betsy Og,

To be honest I dont think that Xboxs are region locked,you would have to change the plug alright but once you create an xbox live account it wont matter AFAIK..

Xboxs need storage for game saves,demos,expansions etc.. 4 GB wont be enough so my advice is to save the hassle and get the 250Gb.
So games actually wont run on the 4gb models...If you got the 4gb you'll end up upgrading in the best biting the bullet now..Your 1TB unfortunately wont work on it.

Ive seen xboxs on for 300 dollars,by the time you add in shipping etc it would probably be best to buy one from here

Hope this helps any more questions send them on