Any ideas novel for a novel fundraiser


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Does anyone have any ideas for a fundraiser (for a genuine charity that everyone identifies with)? My friend is looking to net possibly 7 - 10k for the charity.

All suggestions will be taken on board.
I would suggest streaking in Croke Park but you might only get in trouble with your Mammy.

See here subscription required. ([FONT=Verdana, Arial]Paul Flaherty's streak in aid of Cystic Fybrosis)

and see youtube video here [broken link removed].
A recipe book. Get the office/freidns/family to contribute 2 each, produce it cheaply and you can slag everyone for years about their cocktail recipe, lousy fishcakes afterwards.
:D Actually, Clubman's jokey idea isn't a bad one! You could get people to write a sentence of a novel, charging them for it, each person adding on a lien to develop teh novel.. when the "book" is finished you could pub;lish it adn sell it to make more money!:D