Any idea how much a student architech (last year in college) should be charging?



Wondering if anyone would have an idea how much a student architech (last year in college) should be charging for drawings and planning application for an extension. drawings were updated twice, approx 8 visits to the house, telephone communication and planning drawings submitted to the Council. Fee only.
Re: Architechs Costs

I agreed a basic fee with architect. But got stung for extras ("ah don't worry about it, I'll check it and send a small bill" (turned out to be large!), despite asking for a quote several times (see separate thread on this).

I would have thought that if it is a student arch a few grand should do it.

The bigger question is "does he/she know their onions?"
Another big question is, is he insured if a problem arises? Prob not as he is not yet fully qualified. Althou in fairness the builder will be responsible for adhering to building regs etc
This is your golden rule. Get things in writing, there is a rip off cartel here. PAY NOTHING UNTIL you have results. Why get a student? Bear this in mindf all these guys go to the same plAces and pubs and pass on all the tricks. Did you agree to pay him in instalments?

At most pay 2k and thats dear.

Re: Architechs Costs

I'd pay the basic fee and whatever you think is a reasonable (i.e. much lower) amount for any additions (get them to justify them). When they complain, point out you asked for a quote several times, didn't get one and are under no obligation to pay something not agreed.

Main point: use it as a learing experience for the next time.
I would think around 20 euro an hour would be reasonable. A typical house survey and the design of an extension to planning and associated drawings should take approx 40-60 hours to do (depending on size & complexity in many instances this can be significantly longer), then there are associated extras, printing, planning fees, newspaper ad, postage, lamination of site notice etc.

Hopefully this gives some idea of costs - however the above charge per hour would be based on "nixer" rates, if this guy is set up properly as a sole trader than the hourly rate would be more in the region of 40 / 50 euro per hour to cover tax, accountants etc.

Bear in mind that the fastest office might churn out a planning application in one week of a basic extension to a simple medium sized modern semi-d, some of the countries more renouned architects may spend several weeks or months developing a design with their clients. With the figures given above you should determine if this guys bill is reasonable and if not discuss the areas of discrepancy with them.

Hope this helps.
I would rather you tell us what you paid or were quoted. Then we may be in a position to say if you were ripped off or not.

I wouldnt like to think that you are going to use replies here as a way of haggling with your student architect

Do you think that this student has P.I. insurance ?
My boyfriend is an architectural technician with about 10 yrs experience and he would charge about 1600 for an extension. Is your guy putting in a planning application for you? He might have limited knowledge of the planning process and the particuliarities of your County Council if he is an architech student. It's important to consider this as well as the design.

the fee my boyfriend charges would generally cover everything from application fees to planning ads (local papers) to communication costs. Hope you reach a fair price. Good luck.
I would think around 20 euro an hour would be reasonable.... if this guy is set up properly as a sole trader than the hourly rate would be more in the region of 40 / 50 euro per hour to cover tax, accountants etc.

Are you suggesting here that the OP should collude in tax evasion by paying a lower rate to this guy if he is not properly tax-registered as a sole trader?

For what its worth, paying someone as low as €20 per hour for a professional service is ripping them off, at least in my opinion. You will do well to find any professional charging as little as €40/50 per hour these days - you will certainly not find any tradesman at these rates.
Draftsman charged 400 Euro for fairly basic extension to house about 2 years ago. First visit to measure and discuss what was needed. 2nd visit to show the plan. No changes needed. Third visit called with forms to be signed. Submitted to council and passed. Council fees and advertisement paid for by the householder.