any good tips to stop dogs leaving their mess on our garden.


Registered User
Does anyone have any good tips to stop dogs leaving their mess on our garden. one particular area of our front lawn/driveway seems to have become the local dog toilet. I have spent ages this morning hosing and disinfecting the area after standing in a parcel!:mad:. I have tried the usual pepper dust, gels, even disinfectant and bleach but they still keep coming back.
Re: Any Tips for effective dog deterrent

We had the same problem last year. Used the pepper dust that comes in the yellow container - you can get it in hardware stores. Only advice is to put LOADS of it seemed to work for us
Re: Any Tips for effective dog deterrent

Yes, I tried that stuff but it didn't seem to do much good. I have just bought 4 large canisters of it as it was half price in Homevalue so I will give it another go - then I will resort to throwing stones at them if I see them on the grass;)
Re: Any Tips for effective dog deterrent

"then I will resort to throwing stones at them if I see them on the grass"

That could be dangerous as they might attack you.

Do you have any walls or gates? If you do it would probably be a pain but worth a try to keep the gates closed at all times except for entry/exit.
not sure if this is totally effective but may be worth a try.... fill clear plastic bottles (like coke fanta etc) with water & scatter a few around.... dogs may relate to this as bing glass & stay away (could be an urban myth though)

I heard that you should dip tea bags in Jeyes fluid & leave around the garden? Must try it myself
Winnie said:
I heard that you should dip tea bags in Jeyes fluid & leave around the garden? Must try it myself

This sounds good - i had a terrible problem last year and I sprayed diluted jeyes fluid on my lawn and fence and this stopped the habit for a while. The soaked teabags might retain the smell for longer.
Try it and let us know.
Thanks for that, I will give the Jeyes Tea-bag thing a go. I put down pepper dust but it blew away!

It's an open area at the front side of the house, we can't build a wall as it's kind of where the drive meets the lawn.

ps - only kidding about throwing stones at them, they do seem quite timid dogs as they run off if you shoo them away.
THe dogs owners are breaking the law by letting them out to dump in your garden. Call your local litter warden who should start fining the owners.
You should contact your local Dog Warden as it is illegal to allow a dog out if it is unattended. The Dog Warden can issue fines for this offence. Contact your local council to locate Dog Warden.
I remember the landlord in college used to have a clear plastic(2l coke type) bottle full of water inverted and buried about 3 " in the centre of the lawn.
I am not sure what it was supposed to do, but I think it w something about keeping dogs off ?.

Well he was a lovely man, (D.R.) lord rest his soul.
Get your own dog. Best deterrent. If he or she is assertive no neighbouring dog will invade his or her territory.
patspost said:
I remember the landlord in college used to have a clear plastic(2l coke type) bottle full of water inverted and buried about 3 " in the centre of the lawn.

Sounds like a slug trap.
I rang about the dog warden but was told that in reality, unless I know for sure who the owners are and have proof it is their dogs doing it there is little they can do. The best they could offer was to have the warden drive round the streets to see if there are any dogs roaming and they can take them off the streets.

It really does annoy me people seem to think it is ok to let their animal roam free, messing on people's gardens, imagine if I went and took a dump on their lawn!!
My sister had the same problem with a neighbours' lurcher. She strung a piece of fine wire along the driveway/lawn edge at a height which would have been uncomfortable for this large dog to crawl under and would mean taking a good jump to get over it. It stopped him and she hasn't had any problems since.
Dog Sh1t

Has anyone got any good solutions to stop the neighbours dogs from using your front garden as their toilet? Haven't been able to catch any of the dogs doing it and therefore shovel the droppings onto the offending neighbours doorstep (as I intend doing). It's actually quite amazing that I haven't spotted a single dog dropping the pups off at the pool given the number of "deposits" in our garden! So, apart from setting up a hunt screen, are there any courses of action open to me? We've called the council and they said they would send flyers around and then call to the owners of the offending pet once identified but we've not seen any leaflets yet. It's driving me crazy. Oh, I've also tried the litre of water trick. No impact.
Re: Dog Sh1t

put a perimeter of bleach / domestos around your property if you have a boundry of stone / concrete - the smell puts them right off and although after a while you cant smell it the dogs still can. ...note.. dont put on grass or youll kill your lawn!
Re: Dog Sh1t

litre of water trick? whats that?
you can buy dog/cats repellent from garden centre to scare them away.
it is bad they leave you so souveniors passing your house.
Have seen a little girl doing somersault with hand landed on a big pile outside neighbours house. i got no dog at time so definitly not us!!
Re: Dog Sh1t

Apparently a litre bottle of water keeps them off the grass. Absolutely no idea how its meant to work. the old dear told me about it. worked for her.
Thanks for the suggestions. Any others?