Any good accountants out there?

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Terry, I have had some difficulty using this service and had to register all over again. Anyway the Accounts Advice Centre are on 52 Lower O'Connell Street. The second part of your question is that I assume they are qualified tax advisers as they have a listing on the Irish Taxation Institute website. I'm not sure if that answers your question or not.
Thanks Kathleen, that certainly does answer my questions.
That is so strange Kathleen, I went to them as well and they were sooooooooo nice to deal with. I had left my taxes build up until I couldn't even open the post without feeling nauseas. Anyway I went into them with my receipts, bank statements, etc. in paper bags and they just sorted them out for me. The one thing I really liked about them was the fact that they were so friendly and pleasant. Even though I was sick to my stomach about the whole tax thing I still found myself looking forward to going in and talking to them. I know you dealt with Claire McNamara and so did I. Apart from being a really together Accountant she' very kind so really took the sting out of what I was facing. I knew I owed money but I didn't know it could be manageable. Honestly I thought I'd be cleaned out and probably have to go to jail. Seriously it was like someone just taking over and making it better. I've got my act together since then about tax, accounts and money in general so I have to say TEN OUT OF TEN for the Accounts Advice Centre!
That's a coincidence considering the size of Dublin and the number of Accountancy firms out there! I have to agree whole heartedly with your description of the firm and of Claire herself. It's lovely in this day and age to get a good professional service. After all peace of mind is all we're looking for at the end of the day.
Coincidence indeed.

Can you confirm that neither of you have any connection with said firm?

Good god Nichola M if you knew me you'd know how funny your comment is? Until recently I didn't even know that you could go to an Accountant if you weren't a business person! I was so afraid of all the new changes in the budget that I didn't understand at all. I just cannot afford to make mistakes so this firm of accountants were just great at explaining to someone who never took much notice of these financial matters before.

I suppose I can understand why someone would be cynnical of two people being pleased with any professional service in this day and age. You're right it is a rarity. It's just nice to give a bit of credit to someone who does a good job and makes people feel safe.
It is such a pity that people have to be so mean spirited! Nicola, can you not just be happy that someone isn't ripped off and treated like dirt? I think it's great that someone is actually happy with an Accountant. Most of them have charged ridiculous fees and done absolutely nothing for their money. I for one went to a moron who charged the earth and did nothing for me. Infact he gave me terrible advice and I was worse off than if I hadn't bothered going to any Accountant in the first place. Good for anyone who meets a decent Accountant - they are few and far between.
I am afraid that is not being mean spirited.
There is a reasonable concern that new posters, with one post, who promote specific companies or services, may have a vested interest.
Such a post will always be queried, to see if there should be a conflict of interest declared.

Is it not odd that 3 of the posters on this topic joined within last 2 days?

Off the point- I think more weight is given to recommedations from long term posters.
This is absolutely hilarious. I should normally delete this kind of thing but instead I'm just going to close the thread and leave BKathleen, Terrynu, RuthJane and AJessica's comments stand as testimony to the quality of the service being recommended. Well done to, eh, all four of you.

I'll also post a link to Claire McNamara. I'm sure she'll be delighted.
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