Any experts on flirtation signals/body language etc?

Caveat, the only person that can answer this question is you and the way to answer is to counter-flirt. When these women start flirting you need to start doing some or all of the following (I will let you choose)

1) Lick your lips
2) Grab your crotch
3) Make low grunting sounds
4) Wink menaceingly
5) Hit the deck and do 10 fast push ups

Gauge the reaction to these counter measures and post the results so I can provide more solid advice...

Works for me.

Of course - but biting the lower lip at one side for one long 'clamp' whilst maintaining eye contact is a bit different!

I agree with you and RonanC though, it's probably nothing but the problem is that once you notice it you can't un-notice it!

Re body signals generally though, my 'situation' aside, I certainly don't think it can be dismissed as nonsense and the preserve of bad TV. It's taken totally seriously, academically/psychologically as far as I know?

I see glaring examples all day, every day and it reveals an incredible amount about people. As long as you realise that sometimes an armfold is just an armfold etc etc and don't get too carried away.

I'll try teatime's advice maybe.
yerrah, flirt away but keep your trousers on !!

As long as you dont intend progressing matters does it really matter whether they are flirting or not?, best to assume they are (sure we could all use the ego boost) but just avoid quiet enclosed spaces where you could find yourself alone with these people, or avoid when either of ye are fairly drunk (you might be tempted to suss them out, even if no intentions on either part).

On a related note, is there ever a time to compliment a woman (say a co-worker, or any woman other than your partner for that matter) that she's good looking? My conclusion is probably not, definitely not re a co-worker.

I recall complimenting a female co-worker (v good looking), and bearing in mind I'm a bloke, and married. The usual, in the course of a big drinking session, it wasnt a seedy "come on" style compliment, and I prefaced it by asking could she take a compliment/would she sue me, but she didnt seem to get any kick out of it (which was the intention), more of a "what do you want me to say" - on reflection she's a reserved sort.

Anyway, that was a few years back, and I've concluded that there's practically no point in complimenting a woman, and definitely not a co-worker, too much risk.
I have to say I compliment women all the time.

Either because it's a genuine compliment or because I feel like they need a compliment. Usually along the lines of "You're looking great" " Have you lost weight?" " That dress/top etc really suits you" etc.

All a bit metrosexual now that I think of it.

It would be less often that I would blatantly compliment a woman on her general attractiveness but I occasionally do. I usually try to slip it in matter of factly - but I wouldn't say it unless there was some relevance and unless it was true.
Most women like a bit of foreplay before you get to that stage!!

you took the words out of my mouth.

Anyway back to Caveat's query.. Caveat, i usually find that i am much more aware of sexual signals when i haven't had sex for a few days. Are you in need, perhaps?
you took the words out of my mouth.

Anyway back to Caveat's query.. Caveat, i usually find that i am much more aware of sexual signals when i haven't had sex for a few days. Are you in need, perhaps?

True true. Yes Caveat, you sound like a loaded gun at the moment...

Video please.
CAv, spank an ass and see what reaction you get....will tell you quick enough
Hi Caveat

Either because it's a genuine compliment or because I feel like they need a compliment. Usually along the lines of "You're looking great" " Have you lost weight?" " That dress/top etc really suits you" etc.
Why do you think people - male or female feel the need to be complimented by others?

Many people are very happy in their own skins without having to have it pointed out by others?

I am just curious why you think that they "need" a compliment.

I always fiddle with my hair. I apologise if I know you and you are confused by this. I really don't mean anything by it. I just find it comforting for myself.

Why do you think people - male or female feel the need to be complimented by others?

Many people are very happy in their own skins without having to have it pointed out by others?

I am just curious why you think that they "need" a compliment.


I'm talking about people I know, not people generally. By "need" I mean "could do with" i.e. when I know that they are feeling low, going through a bad patch etc.

Do you think that's unusual?

I always fiddle with my hair. I apologise if I know you and you are confused by this. I really don't mean anything by it. I just find it comforting for myself.

Ah but merely 'fiddling' is one thing - it's all in the way you fiddle apparently.

Mind you, I hadn't even considered the hair fiddling and I don't want to start!
Hi Caveat

I understand now what you are saying. You are obviously a very perceptive person and apparently in tune to a person's needs.

I don't know if there is a premier type of hair fiddling. I am just an ordinary fiddler.

I assume the question that really is being asked is, Why are my friends flirting with me?

We all meet many people of the opposite sex everyday. not every person you meet will flirt, but you notice when they do, because it's not a thing that usually happens.

It's more than likely a sign of friendship in this case, they feel comfortable in your presence and can relax and be their true selves, I wounldn't read too much into it.