Any advice on were i would start on getting a garden design and landscaped?



Any advice on were i would start on getting a garden design and landscaped?
Re: Small garden

Word of mouth tends to be what does it for me. If you're in the South Dublin/Wicklow area, I can PM you the name of the guy who did a fantastic job on ours.
Same here. Very good guy and team who will devise a plan from and stick to your stated budget. As a general rule, the company website speaks volumes as does the initial contact. Googling will turn up allsorts i'd imagine..
I'd spend a little time in the bookshops, library or online finding out what I liked first of all. There are tons of good books and blogs out there.
There are so many different types, styles, sizes of gardens that you need to know at least a bit of what appeals to you firstly.
Armed with that knowledge you may feel confident to take on the project yourself. Otherwise you can approach a few garden designers whose work you like and talk to them about your ideas & how to develop them. The initial legwork will save you from wasting time with designers who you aren't compatible with.

Blue moon, do you have someone to recommend or are you saying same here as in word of mouth? If you have someone to recommend what area are you talking about please?
what i was talking about was that i agree with babaduck about word of mouth, and that i also can recommend a good garden designer.

Well, no, I was being flippant.

Its just that it was such a broad question I knee-jerked with a Golden Pages reply.

Sorry OP.

Diarmuid Gavin's yer only maun if you want to get on the telly and have a weird and wonderful construction in the back garden.

Or you could try Susan Maxwell.

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I've worked with Susan and she's one of the greatest people to work with.

There seems to be a lot of good people on that website.



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