anticompetitive behaviour...Wholesale BB provider and Retail BB provider

Re: childish behaviour...

I used to work in Eircom tech support.

There is no conspiracy. Eircom do not try to screw over ex customers.

Bad tech support people (which are the majority) will try anything to get the caller off the phone. The "your phonline is screwed you need to talk to Eircom" is the tried and trusted technique. I would not take the BT reps opinion as fact or anywhere close to it.

One thing I learnt while working for Eircom is that people have an extremely warped view of that company. Just becuase you lost money on their share dealings and dislike the fact that they're still a slow moving monopoly doesn't mean they're evil or up to dirty tricks. The people who work there are just like you and me...
Re: childish behaviour...

I think you're being a little presumptious there. I dont like delaing with Eirocm because it was them who gave me the run around for a cancellation number which apparently couldnt be processed becasue the order was already going through regardless of the fact that I cancelled the order on the same phone call as ordering it. BT hands were tied. Same with Smart. Comreg deemed it anticompetitiveness from Eircom. I dont think Eircom are as rude as BT but can be alot more clueless. No offence to you of course.
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