Anti-virus renewal


Registered User

Has anybody noticed that some " bugs " myteriously get through anti virus in the last few days before renewal is due , putting you under pressure to take out new subscription . This is the second time that this has happened to me with two different PC's and two different anti virus packages i.e Norton and Mc Afee.

Any thoughts ?
Has anybody noticed that some " bugs "
What do you mean by "bugs"? Viruses? Other malware? Crashes?
in the last few days before renewal is due
Are you sure that your virus scanner has been updating regularly (daily if necessary) to make sure that it's virus signature database is as up to date as possible.
putting you under pressure to take out new subscription . This is the second time that this has happened to me with two different PC's and two different anti virus packages i.e Norton and Mc Afee.

Any thoughts ?
I've used AVG Free and some other free protection tools for a few years now on my home laptop/PC and have never been hit by any problems during that time. Why pay if the free* tools do the job just as well if not better. I also use Sandboxie when browsing sites that I'm not 100% sure are trustworthy.

* Often free for personal/home use only.
I've had the same problem - for the last month I've been getting strange 'bugs", Norton is due to expire soon - is this a common feature from Norton? I've been updating daily but it's only in the last month that this bugs are getting through. Must try AVG free - thanks for the tip.
I have been using Avast antivirus for some time now on my home pc without any problems - the home edition is free and you can download it from here. There are loads of free tools available on the web to help keep your computer running smoothly. Have a look in here for example.
I recently uninstalled Norton in favour of AVG Free. My laptop is now running much faster and AVG free picked up over 200 trojan variants that Norton was blissfully unaware of....
hey those BUG can easily be Adware or SPyware..go get the anti-spyware program from
I'm using "active virus shield" on my laptop.Its free antivirus run by Kaspersky labs+zone alarm firewall.Have C.cleaner&spybot for spyware/adware none of them cost a penny and have kept me "bug" free for the last 4 months
Have C.cleaner&spybot for spyware/adware none of them cost a penny and have kept me "bug" free for the last 4 months
CCleaner is not a spyware/adware scanner. It just lets you clean out accumulated rubbish from your registry, file system etc.
try Super anti-spyware..they are not bad..get it on
I know that club man. You're being a little petty. I'm sure posters understood that I meant that I use Spybot for spyware/adware detection.It was 5.30am after all!! Lighten up.