Another quality public servant runs away

I don't remember ever reading posts looking for fewer teachers, police, doctors or nurses. In fact I posted myself that it would be better to pay less so that we could have more. Many posters suggested that efficiencies could and should be found in order to deliver the same (or better) services with less resources.

It's my understanding that the guy agreed (after being asked by the government) to stay on to complete this work.

I don't see anything wrong with him choosing to leave if he was going to be adversely impacted financially by staying on.

Also, in fairness to the guy he did say that there were others within his Office capable of taking on this work, so it wasn't like he was just "escaping".

The public service have taken pay cuts already. The next logical step was a reduction in numbers. But it appears that some people will demand that numbers be cut when pay is being reduced, and then when numbers are being cut they complain that pay should be cut rather than reducing numbers.

It's hard to keep up with all of this sometimes.

My view as a civil servant is that the Government got played by Mr. Appleby - given the importance of his position and the fact that he finally seems to be actually doing something regarding Anglo giving the bare minimum notice was a disgrace. He knew it wouldn't wash, kept the info to himself and made sure he got a nice deal to stay on for another 6 months.

How come the media seemed to know of it so quickly and that he was able to give a quote that he was leaving at 10am only to then change his mind?

What has he actually achieved in his 10 years? I recall very very few cases brought successfully to conclusion during his tenure. He has talked a very good game so far but results have been poor to my mind.
Appleby being given the Mastermind treatment by Marion Finucane on Green Tea. It's not his fault I'm sure but the lack of any action against the perpretrators of our economic treason is galling.