Another poor driving etiquette whinge...

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Registered User
This one is really getting to me now.

You know when someone is letting you out/in or whatever and they gesture to say go ahead or after you?

Why do so many of them do it with such bad grace?!
Just don't let me out if it's that much bleedin' hassle for you!!

More often than not the gesture is either:

A pompous, eye closing, regal, limp wave with a face that says "Oh if one really must..."

An irritated, tongue planted in cheek, rapid series of impatient flicks with a face that says "Well? c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!"


The aggressive zombie: they almost come to a stop, stare glassy eyed and down turned of mouth, you look expectantly, optimistically right at them, they give you no indication as to whether they actually are letting you out, and although they have slowed down a little, haven't actually stopped and are just about to fill your exit space, so you really have no idea. They eventually almost stop, still staring impassively at you so you make the assumption and give a quick wave of thanks and watch as their glaring eyes and slowly curling lip follows the length of your car.

It's unreal.

Maybe I've thought too much about this.
Haha,Its so true.

On a more serious note ,if you give someone the nod/Gesture,as in flashing your lights to tell them to drive out,and they then are involved in an accident ,you can be sued!!

Its a jungle out there!

All these little technicality's that a lot of people are not aware of.
Ignorance is not a defense.
Well maybe it's because they have been in the queue for ages and resent slightly the fact that you can join it relatively easy.
The route I take to work has a long tailback every - about half way along this route a narrow sideroad joins this road. People coming from a certain direction use this route to skip the long queue - they look at us with pleading eyes to let them out even though they've only been queuing for 5 seconds.
Maybe that's why people aren't jumping for joy at the prospect at letting them out!
Pet hate: Someone stopping to let me out when there's no traffic behind them.

Just keep driving and then I won't have you blocking the road, obstructing the view, are you stopping or not, and oh yeah here's my thank you wave for making my manouvre take longer and be more dangerous than it ordinarily would have been if you just drove on.

Same for drivers stopping to let a pedestrians cross in front of them when they're waiting on a pedestrian light or a proper break in the traffic. Almost enticing them into traffic. Just obey the bleedin rules of the road you muppet.
I recently decided for my own sanity and stress levels to give up road rage.
Life's too short to let queue jumpers annoy you (although they could make your blood boil!) and my outlook is that eventually karma's gonna get them! This is after spending months sitting in a foul humour going in and out of town for work because evidently irish people just don't understand how to use roundabouts!
... On a more serious note ,if you give someone the nod/Gesture,as in flashing your lights to tell them to drive out,and they then are involved in an accident ,you can be sued!! ...
On what basis? Have they ceded all rights and responsibilities about "proceeding along the carriageway in an orderly manner with all due care and attention" to a complete stranger on the basis of a simple non-verbal communication?

Is the same eejit who was smoking out the hotel window now driving on our roads?

+1 utter bovine effluvia. It was tried in the States by a pedestrian and it even failed there.

Simple, you would have given them the go ahead!!

From memory gesturing to another driver to pull out etc. is a penalty in the driving test. Not sure whether it's a straight fail or just a category 2 offence.
From memory gesturing to another driver to pull out etc. is a penalty in the driving test. Not sure whether it's a straight fail or just a category 2 offence.

Absolutely right. If you go by what the instructors tell you you can't smile and gesture someone out. I've been guilty of doing it and almost sending someone out under a car speeding up the bus lane.

No, not this at all. Nothing to do with queue jumping. Just regular T junctions, turning left.

Firstly 90% of my driving is in small towns so tailbacks aren't really an issue.

Secondly, my main gripe is, if you don't want to let me out then simply don't do it - what's the point in doing this - which is essentially a courtesy - if you are going to be as discourteous about it as possible?!

It's like hissing "Thank. you.very. much." through gritted teeth to a shopkeeper! Do it properly or don't do it at all.

*sigh* I guess nobody truly understands my plight
If you mean going towards demolishing another pub educated lawyer's belief in urban legends, then you're probably right.

Another well thought out, meaningful, helpful post.

Posters who choose not to believe the post ,should go ahead and gesture and if the other car,who has exited due to your indication happens to run into an oncoming/overtaking etc vehicle/bike dont say you were not warned.

Obviously the other posters who claim instructors will tell you not to do so are exempt from the people waiting in the long grass making snide comments.Wonder why....

utter bovine effluvia
Another well thought out, meaningful, helpful post.

340 of them and counting baby!

Posters who choose not to believe the post ,should go ahead and gesture and if the other car,who has exited due to your indication happens to run into an oncoming/overtaking etc vehicle/bike dont say you were not warned.

So we should just accept your word? How about something to back it up like some actual piece of legislation or an explanation of how the principles of negligence would apply, given, as already posted, the onus is on the other vehicle to ensure it is safe to pull out. Even better an actual case would help.
On what basis? ...
I'm still not clear on the basis for the potential law-suit where I as the gesturer guide the gesturee into some form of automotive catastrophe. What could I be sued for?
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The onus is on you BABY , If you drive YOU should know the rules,or do you want every law and rule of the road posted here BABY.
The onus is on you BABY , If you drive YOU should know the rules,or do you want every law and rule of the road posted here BABY.

As the resident legal expert on LOS, I'd have thought the principles of those who make the claim proving their case would be familiar. You stated it as fact now provide the facts to back it up.

No onus on me.
I'm still not clear on the basis for the potential law-suit where I as the gesturer guide the gesturee into some form of automotive catastrophe. What could I be sued for?

See Derkaiser post.

Im not going to do all the work for you,go and find the rules yourself.Oh Ill put an eek in to take out the sting shall I.
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