Another planning issue!

We got some bad news back from our pre-planning meeting. I am still waiting for the written report but basically the planner said we could not build the house we want on the site we have but will allow us to build the house at the other end of the field.
Has anyone experienced this before? Was the farmer willing to sell a different portion of the field for the same price?

The farmer is also asking us to hurry things along a bit as he 'says' he is worried about other development in the area. The agreement was made to buy the site subject to planning permission 6 weeks ago. He now says he had wanted the deal completed in four months which means we have 10 weeks left. Is this normal?

I am getting a little worried.
emily moss - don't despair.

If the council want you to move the site entrance its for very good reasons - safety.
Depending on the clafssification of the road the sightlines could be between 50m and over 120m either side of the site entrance and set back 3m from the edge of the road. You need to know what the permitted sightlines are for the road that you want to build on.
Your Architect should know this from the start if he knows what he's about but if not ask the Planning Dept in the County Council. This is a basic starting point for any planning application.
When you know that then you can look at where you can put your site entrance. You need to see where you can get the required sightlines onto the road.
Did you say what county you were in? Are there local needs conditions ?
If the farmer is serious aboul selling you a site he will have to accept that it will take time. You'd be lucky to have it completed in 10 weeks.
Good Luck.
Hi denisom

Our original site 0.75 acre is probably about 1/8 of the entire field and the planning authority want to move the entire site, not the entrance to the opposite end of the field - about 80 yards.
I suppose you are right by saying if the farmer wants to sell he won't have a problem which part of the field he sells (as both areas are on the edge of the field and his own access will not be altered). Hope he sees it like this too.
The site is in county waterford and there are local needs conditions which I do meet. I think this 4 month deadline is out of our control as I cannot make the planning authorities speed up their process. Surely the seller knows this!!
Fingers crossed it will work out. I suppose there is no point worrying until I do see the planners report and I talk to the seller.
hi judy no joy with the planning yet,they dont agree that we hav sufficient sightlines so we have sent in a map with our entrance moved down a few meters for them to comment on,meaning if we do this will that b enough to get planning!!some dose but if that what it takes we'll do it.
Should know if they agree to this tomorrow hopefully!!But then i know hoe slow they are. Hope ye have more luck then we do.
anyway will keep u up to date ok take care
I really wish we had a proper pre-planning meeting. Our councellor 'dealt' with it. We were due to get the report from the planning office yesterday and we have no idea what it is going to say other than the planner wants us to build at the top of the field rather than the bottom. We don't even know if planning is completely ruled out on bottom of field or is it just the house type we were planning to build.
I am also in county waterford. I have tried to contact the planning office for some information - I can't find out anything. I am not good at this waiting game.
I have learned my lesson - I should have made sure I had a proper pre-planning meeting.
The counsellor had originally said - "sure there'll be no problems at all". Now look at us, and I have a really bad feeling there is more to this than we are being told.
I have tried to contact the counsellor also a number of times, but surprise surprise, no one likes passing on bad news - do they??

Fingers crossed this will be resolved and hopefully I was thinking the worst for no reason!!
hi judy just to let u know we finally got our planning but on account that we move the site entrance,a lot of hassle but at least we got it,at last.
How did u get on with urs?
hi emily_moss dont worry we got the same hardship,waiting forever and no proper answers,and then just monday out of the blue they granted us planning with 12 conditions but mostly all straight forward,apart from the fact we must move the site entrance,some dose but if thats what i takes then we'll get over it. Just hang in there and ye'll get an answer eventually.Hopefully a good answer,let me know how u get on.
hi Aisling, we've still another week to go before our decision. We dont have anywhere to move our entrance to so i hope they dont tell us that! Will keep you posted, delighted that you got yours, now the hard work starts!
Congrats Aisling, it must be a load off your mind. We lost the site. We had the, as I would call it, a mickey-mouse pre-planning meeting, where we weren't even there, and the co co gave their reasons for the 'NO' to any planning permission on the site. They told us we could build at the top of the field with the condition that we cut a corner, probably almost 100metres. The farmer wasn't willing to sell this site but has given us another one. We are back to square one but at least we still have a site to try and get planning. The house we had designed though will be too high for the site, as there are a couple of bungalows close by and there is one dormer.
Hopefully we will have more luck this time.
Hi, just an update on our planning! Got the letter back and would you believe there was only one problem with it and it just involves getting a legal letter done up from my Mam and Dad basically saying that we can use their entrance too! Was very surprised with that they didnt even mention the sight lines, but we had rang our local councillor a couple of weeks before and she spoke to the planner and rang the roads authority for us and as they are lowering the speed limit on our road we did not need as much sight lines, so hopefully when we send in the letter we will get some good news back, mind you i wont hold my breath till we actually get it! They might come back with something else next time but i hope not
Going for a pre-planning meeting soon (hopefully). There is a house next door to the site which is a bungalow and next to that is a dormer. We already had plans done for a one and a half story house for a different site but we were denied planning on that site at pre-plannign stage (Location reasons). Am I wasting my time showing this house at the pre-planning meeting? The site is slightly lower than the site the two site next door - could this make a difference?
you should take photos of the existing houses along together with your plans, the planner will be able to give you an indication as to whether it is acceptable. At our pre-planning meeting we took along photos of houses that were like the one we wanted to build and he commented on whether it was suitable or not. I would say to ask as many questions as you can think of, don't just hope that it will be ok, it will save you so much time if you ask at the pre-planning meeting. So many people cross their fingers and hope it will be ok, but the planners will look into everything so you might as well do so before them and anticipate any queries or objections.

Does anyone know if it's difficult to get planning permission to build in Meath. Does it help if one is from the area. Is it a drawback to have a house already and looking to upgrade, or is the option of seeking planning permission only open to first time buyers.


Hi justsally,

As far as I am aware, Meath is possibly the worst county to get planning permission in. A large number of sites for sale will get permission only subject to "Local Needs". A local need is established in a number of ways, and generally depends on the zoning the site is in, residency (10 years) creates a "need" as does working in the area for a certain period of time, caring for relatives in the area is also seen as a "need". With regard to first time buyers, you can own a house already but have to demonstrate a "need" to build another house, eg. you live in a one bedroom apartment in town but need to build a bigger house as the current one is not sufficient.

try their website [broken link removed] for more info
So we had our second pre-planning meeting for a second site in a different location and we got the same answer as the first. The planner wanted us to buy a site at the other end of the field. The site for sale is beside a row of four other houses and he wants to stop ribbon development. The same thing might happen here as with the first site. This farmer may also refuse to sell the site suggested by the planner.

Has anyone any experience of this? If the farmer refuses to sell the suggested site could the planner give in?
Hi ERW Fan

Thanks for that - it's not looking good
and generally depends on the zoning the site is in
. It's agriculture land and they already have a four bedroomed house.

hi judy have being trying to get on to see how u got on?there was something wrong with the site.anyway that was good news for ye??Thats only a small issue.hope ye get it next time,must u wait another 4weeks now again from when u hand in the letter,we had to,an update on ours is that we have started digging and there is solid rock onsite so we must get a rockbreaker in the weekend so i hope it wont be 2 hard to get it out,so happy its started now
hi Aisling,

Yep justy have to get a letter signed from my parents and the counsil told us that when(?!) we get permission and are signing over the land we will also need to sign over that small bit of my parents gate, so sounds good fingers crossed anyway! We are getting the letter this evening so will getit signed and send it back in, and we will have to wait 4 weeks then but hopefully we'll get good news so it will be worth it. Wow you've started, thats great you must be relieved, we can wait to start but have very different opinions on what we want for the house! The fun will start then!
Hi Judy,

That month must almost be up by now??any more news on ye're application,i hope its all going ok.Have u got msn we could keep in contact easier that way through the building process to see how we r both getting on,well ours is very slow,there is so much rock on the site that we only finished the digging yesterday,but we have only been digging at weekends but we've had bout 7-8weekends sat+sunday of digging and jus finished now but what can i say at least its done now.hope to hear from u soon