Annuity Payments


Registered User
The problem i have is that the land we currently reside on is registered to X since 1910.My great grandfather and his son(my uncle) farmed the land since that date but the onwership never changed on the deeds.My family always paid the annunity on this land since it was reigistered to X and the annunity payments were then changed to my uncles name for the land annunity payments which he completed to the end.Does this mean he purchased the land off X and the name on the deeds was never changed? If so would it have been possible that a solicitor was involved as the annunity dept in the land commission office only show as X as the registered onwer and not my uncle even tough he was billed for the annunity payments? How/where would I go about finding out if a solicitor was used as none of the family members at that time are now alive and if some sale actually took place.
Your post is difficult to understand but you seem to be saying that your family paid land purchase annuities and that there is a record of this, however the land is registered to someone else.

Also your grandfather may or may not have purchased the land in 1910 or thereabouts and you're wondering if a solicitor was involved and if so, how to find out. If a solicitor was involved more than likely the title would have been changed into your grandfathers name. It is very very unlikely now that you will find a file in some solicitors office from almost 100 years ago that will show a contract was made or money paid over. Indeed it was quite common back then for people to make informal agreements, pay over money and never change title.

As I said in my previous post it a squatters rights application is more than likely the way for you to go now and you should take solicitors advice on it.
No I don't. Are they not in the phone book or could you ring 11811? Generally you will need to send them a map of the property in order to obtain a valuation office search and it can cost a couple of hundred euro.