Annoying Phone calls

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Yesterday around lunch I received a phone call for some strange number asking have I still got the two ferrets and a cage to a good home .Didnt know what he was on about two mins later I got an other phone call about ferrets I asked this person where he got the number and he said the free adds. I have received 60 odd calls still going 20 texts and about 30 voicemails. Have a work phone so have to answer it. Rang the free adds and they could not give out any name even though my phone was hoping all day not a minutes peace. If i was to take legal action would it be successful? And who could I take it against? Paper or who ?Really annoyed over it being harassed over it found the first few calls funny after that it really got annoying but it still going.The free adds said they ring the home number but not much good to half the county has my number.Any help would be greatful.
Oh sounds like whoever wants to re-home the ferrets gave the wrong number.

Perhaps you could ask the paper to double-check the details they were given, it must be a mis-print and they may have an email address for the real owner.

Great to know that so many people are happy to re-home these poor ferrets in these impoverished times though - has restored my faith in humanity.
Yeah sounds like a prank, who would have expected such high demand for ferrets!
Well you do call your self King Spoofer, so maybe someone getting their own back.
Alot of ye should give up the day jobs comedy is great .Why do you call yourself towger?Anyway back to the orignal question anyone got any ideas?
Suggest you google your phone number see what fee ad it comes up in then contact the website/free ads paper & tell them to remove the advert immediately. Misprints happen - such is life. Apart from a bit of inconvenience has it really caused enough problems to go down the route of taking a legal action which will cost money and drag on for god knows how long and doesn't really have any merit.
Alot of ye should give up the day jobs comedy is great .Why do you call yourself towger?Anyway back to the orignal question anyone got any ideas?

Towger was born from the Matrix, or more precisely generated from line noise in the days when a V.22bis MODEM was close to state of the art. (No it did not have MNP5 error correction.... That was state of the art!)
Sounds like the ferret seller put your number in the ad by mistake - may be 1 digitoff yours.

Just answer the calls and hope the ad doesn't run for a long time.
The data protection act requires them to change any data about you that is incorrect. I would assume this is covered.
If you do find out who has the ferrets could you please PM me as I know someone who would be interested in re-homing them.

Many thanks.
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