Annoying ad



NTL have a ad on the radio which is about zero cost for ntl xxx.
Add goes on about 'zero euro ' how much is that? etc etc and one of the characers then offers a 1,000 zloty note for this zero service
'not worth much' say bright spark. 1,000 zlotys is worth over €300 euro so either ntl have no idea of the value of the zloty and assume nobody else has either.
I remember saying this to someone at the time, i.e. that the cost in PLN was actually significant!

Well done NTL.
Have to say I love the ad as well

Especially the bit "and how much is that in euro?"
I think its brilliant & one of the funniest & most creative adds on radio at the moment.
I thought that when he says "it's not worth much" than he was referring to ntl:'s service.
That clears up something for me, I could not understand what the hell he was saying in that ad.
but he keeps saying it is free..... then the terms and conditions at the end say it is free for the first three months..... i think it is borderline false advertising.
maybe they should be paid in 1,000 zloty notes then .
Fintan said:
but he keeps saying it is free..... then the terms and conditions at the end say it is free for the first three months..... i think it is borderline false advertising.
Make a complaint to the ASAI and they might just rule in your favour about three or months after the advertising campaign and offer has run its course. Sorry - been there too often to be anything other than cynical/sarcastic about the ASAI.
ClubMan said:
Make a complaint to the ASAI and they might just rule in your favour about three or months after the advertising campaign and offer has run its course. Sorry - been there too often to be anything other than cynical/sarcastic about the ASAI.

Have to say I disagree with you there, Clubman. I made a complaint a few years ago to the ASAI about the misleading nature of an online advertisement for a housing development and it was upheld. Not only that - it made it onto Morning Ireland.

I must say I got a great kick out of it seeing reports of my complaint in the newspapers and hearing friends talk about it. Even though nobody knew it was me!
How long after you made the complaint was it upheld? I have had complaints upheld which they did not include in their quarterly reports for some reason. I have also had complaints rejected which is obviously their prerogative. In one case a complaint that was rejected was subsequently upheld by another statutory body (the BCI). Go figure. I also found that by the time they actually ruled on a complaint the damage (in the form of actual or alleged misleading advertising) had been done and the advertising campaigns in question had usually run their course. To be honest I find the ASAI and their complaints process pretty useless.
hey lads. I only opened this thread as a lighhearted 'complaint'. That 1,000 zloty note was driving me mad, 'cause for just over 100 zlotys we had one hell of a night out in Poland recently.