Anniversary Tomorrow - Help

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Hi guys, I'm at a total loss. Wedding Anniversary tomorrow. Any suggestions for a prezzie for the missus?
Whisk her off for a night somewhere?
Book a nice restaurant?
I believe some of the ladies are fond of jewellery!

Bit more info would be handy...some likes, dislikes, your general location etc.
a voucher for a local (but good) beauty salon / hairdresser - along with a (handmade) voucher for a meal out & or dinner cooked at home for a week. Small things but much appreciated. nothing like being pampered for a couple of hours, getting dressed and going out to dinner. Also as we both work but I am home that bit earlier i always end up doing dinner - having a week off was bliss. Food always tastes better when it is being handed to you!!!
Thanks Guys.
Sorry Clubman, got one of those for her last year....did'nt go down a treat funnily enough!
Micky said:
Hi guys, I'm at a total loss. Wedding Anniversary tomorrow. Any suggestions for a prezzie for the missus?

A night on the town with me , does it matter that I'm a porn star by trade?
I don't know if you have children or not but last year my three took over the kitchen, one was MD, one chef the other waitress and we were served champagne etc...with a beautiful meal while they giggled behind the dining room doors (kids aged 10, 8 6)! It was one of the nicest and meaningful meals I've ever had!! (Helped along by M&S prepared food!)
But if you don't have children, jewellery I'm sure would go down fine.
Think Gauloise's idea is great as far as a gift from the children is concerned. However at this late stage unless you can pull something out of the hat v v Quickly, you, my friend, are in for trouble...
Local Garage. Flowers and a small box of roses. Winner every time. Or do a posh and bex and get the roman numerals of your wedding date tattooed across your body.
Buy her a voucher for beauty / hair salon.

Jewellery is also good but maybe not the kind of thing which should be bought in a hurry.

DON'T FORGET FLOWERS the most obvious thing
Yes indeed, no kids and my taste in jewellery leaves a lot to be desired. Thank God its late night shopping this stage i'd nearly take demoivre up on his offer!
You could go to the local beauty salon as suggested, you could even be cheeky and ask whoever you buy it from to backdate it a couple of weeks so your wife will think you've been extra thoughtful buying it weeks ago. I worked in a beauty salon and believe me this happens a lot!
Also, you could check out ticketmaster and see if there are any concerts coming up you think she would like and get those.

Good luck with it!
What is with people asking random strangers on the internet for advice on personal special occasions?
Is it people looking for validation, making things up so strangers will talk to them, or saddest of all, is it for real?
How would your darling wife feel if along with your pack of dinner for a week you told her that you got the idea from an internet forum where you asked what to do, because you had no clue what she would like.
I'm not having a go personally at the poster here, however it seems there is a lot of this going on recently, How will I propose?/What will I get her for her birthday etc. These people you are asking for ideas for are supposed to be the people you know and love the most in your life, yet you ask randomers (Like me) what we think you should gift as a token of your love & appreciation or what colour you should paint your bedroom etc....
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