Anglo comments far from unique


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I realise that the Anglo tapes will have upset many people greatly including my mother. Her view as that she did not understand all the matters they were talking about but it was the tone and cintemptupous nature.

However - this is not intended to soothe you but that its not an Irish thing.

1. When Wall Street was investigated by NY attorney Spritzer - it was the shocking emails that did the trick. Basically the Enron debacle implicated lots of investment banks as they were selling services to Enron and Enron top guys were able to buy IPOs and resell them. The Merill Lynch analysts used to refer to many of these as POS - this stood for 'piece of s**t'

2. Emails bewteen top Partners in the US of KPMG when they were dealing with edgy tax schemes - one Partner wrote to others saying that he thought ' they sgould s**t and get off the pot ' in relation to the structure. Another replied that he thought 'if you check it out I think the phras is not s**t and get off the pot but s**t or get off the pot ..and its time to s**t'.

So expect more choice language and be thankful that the Indo does not replay all the dealers tapes as the conversations may be about sex, sexual relations; orientation; rude phrases about lack of parents; and unusual past times.

What you should be concerned with is:
1. Who sold the tapes
2. Who paid for them
3. And why the person did not do duty to the Country and make them available.
What I am interested in hearing at this stage is any phone call between Cowan/Linehan and Drumm or any calls between Neary and Drumm...

Hopefully the Indo is holding the best for last.
What I am interested in hearing at this stage is any phone call between Cowan/Linehan and Drumm or any calls between Neary and Drumm...

Hopefully the Indo is holding the best for last.
It seems we are only hearing these conversations because John Bowe is involved and all phone calls in the Treasury function were recorded. Paul Williams more or less conceded this point on Morning Ireland so I do not expect any tapes which do not involve John Bowe. I can see him cracking and arguing that he is by far not the worst of them.

Tape 8 on comes with a warning. It is truly disgusting stuff. Drummer is a corner boy through and through. Even Bowe when he uses the A word excuses himself by saying "as Drummer would say...".

The utter crudeness of Drummer's language is not something I have met in my working career. By all means let's have a banking enquiry but after we have an Anglo inquiry - that is the utmost priority. Any broader enquiry will only serve to dilute the depravity of that institution.

Anglo was in a different league - it caused it all. When I hear people argue that Germans lent money to Anglo and must take the hit I remind them that people were entitled to be sure that in a civilised country the running of a bank would not be left in the hands of corner boys.

And another thing. On Monday/Tuesday you could get direct access to the Anglo Tapes on the above website. Now you have to wait through an advert. Why does that leave me with a bad taste in my mouth?
The bad lanuguage doesnt bother me - men often talk in such terms - they are not offending each other. This is not a sexist comment but most men tone down the languauge in the presence of ladies, so 'Drummer' mightnt necessarily deliver the corner boy stuff in the presence of lady or people he does not know.

I'm only saying this because I think its missing the point. The point is more how they didnt care about collateral damage to the country and the recklessness and arrogance about which they did their 'business' - the actual choice of words is neither here nor there and, given the context, colourful language was surely the order of the day.
The bad lanuguage doesnt bother me - men often talk in such terms - they are not offending each other. This is not a sexist comment but most men tone down the languauge in the presence of ladies, so 'Drummer' mightnt necessarily deliver the corner boy stuff in the presence of lady or people he does not know.

I'm only saying this because I think its missing the point. The point is more how they didnt care about collateral damage to the country and the recklessness and arrogance about which they did their 'business' - the actual choice of words is neither here nor there and, given the context, colourful language was surely the order of the day.
Well Betsy you're obviously a very modern girl (though old fashioned enough not to want ladies present). I'm afraid I'm a rather old fashioned Duke (but modern enough to regard ladies as equals). As Paul Williams says, the tone (to me that means the language) shows a complete loss of moral compass.
Betsy is a man - shock horror - I really should have picked a better name. Re ladies as equals, that's not really the point, if you knew them well then fine, but especially in work contexts bad language is far more likely to get you in hot water where females were affected by such shocking behaviour!! - maybe they would take no notice themselves but to "officialdom" I think it would look a lot worse.
The word I would use to describe these guys is one I probably wouldn't use in front of a woman, and certainly not to describe one. Well, very few...

And yes, foul language is very much part of macho culture. It's not something I'd consider a measure of a man's "moral compass", though — I know plenty of people that never swear but are complete and utter, eh, rascals.

But the three questions WizardDr raises are interesting ones, and I've yet to see/hear them answered (or even asked) in the media.
I think Drummo and Johno thought they were aspiring Capos for The Sopranos.

The language is one issue.

However, their contempt is obscene.

I would rather have all the information in the public arena before I start wondering who had the data and whether they were paid for it.

My understanding is, is that the tapes available are those that went through the Anglo Treasury Department only. I am not sure if other departments phone conversations have been recorded.
That actually made me laugh,the only thing about this disgusting hateful episode that amuses me and the joke once again is on me.

There have already been Anglo executives charged with offences, the pace may be unacceptably slow and not far reaching enough but financial crime cases are very time consuming to build (especially when the relevant authorities are so woefully under resourced).
I think if I had been the DoCE I would have ran a criminal case as early as possible even if the advice was 'not enough' evidence.

It would of course been a 'show trial' and maybe resulted in an aquittal - but is this not another question :

Why so long?