Andre Rieu Strauss Orchestra


Registered User
Had the absolute pleasure of seeing Andre Rieu and his orchestra perform
in 02 on Tuesday last.
It was the most beautiful and artistic performance I have ever enjoyed. I have been to Broadway and London shows but the entertainment never reached this standard.
His personality embraced the audience and the inclusion of a choir of young people from Dublin spoke volumes. His beautiful tribute to Michael Jackson was magnificent.
The snow shower enjoyed by the audience, during the Skater Waltz was so imaginative.
I hope he will return to Dublin in the not too distant future, to enchant his many fans. Browtal
I'm glad to hear it was a good show.
I seen him in the old Point Depot about 10 years ago and although he was fantastic, the show was spoiled by large numbers of the audience arriving late. The noise they made making their way to their seats on the steps ruined the first half of the show. He was not impressed. I'm surprised he came back to Dublin
You will be pleased to hear that he did not allow any late arrivals to take their seats until each piece of music was completed.

I also experienced the disappointment of Placio Domingo when he stopped the show a couple of times, many years ago, while late comers poured into the Point continually.
He also cut the performance short. Such a disappointed for his fans too.