And the vote for the most annoying gadget goes to...?


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That'll be my tin opener which slips and jumps and rarely cuts the tin neatly. I usually am left with a mess to clean up, as well as having to finish the job of opening a tin with a sharp knife - Argh! It's the little things that get to me. What's your most annoying gadget?
Our new microwave....beeps for everything!

When you plug it in: beeps once
Each rotation of the time setting - in 10 second intervals - a beep for each one
When finished: beeps 5 times!
If you don't remove the items in a few minutes - a reminder: 4 beeps. We have a young baba so normal to sterilise bottles and leave them cool down.

It's a Dimplex by the way and I think it'll be replaced soon!
Our tv. Because apparently it is necessary to have it wired to/through a dvd player, a surround sound system, a sky plus box, a playstation, an old vcr and a second dvd player ( at least I think that's what it is) so we have to press several buttons in a specific order just to turn it on. And if the electricity cuts out it requires an engineering degree to turn it on.

Haha! do you happen to secretly live in my house?
My own fault but I bought an alarm clock and it had this cool feature that the laser would point at your ceiling and show the time.
So you could lie in bed and glance at the ceiling and there is the time

That's an amazing idea I thought. Until I set it up the first night and found since I've poor eyesight and wear glasses I can't actually read the thing.

As I said, my own fault
Alarm clock linked by radio link to atomic clock.

Supposed to keep 100% accurate time & automatically set/updated by signal from atomic clock in the UK. Dublin is supposed to be well within its range.

Been woken up at weird times of the night 3 nights in a row e.g. 4am, when I set the alarm for 8am was enough for me. Impossible to keep the correct time as it kept resetting itself to random wrong times - and no manual over-ride to turn off the radio signal and use it like a regular electric alarm clock.
It's a Dimplex by the way and I think it'll be replaced soon!
i have one of those!

The loudest beeping microwave in the world. I've contemplated opening it to disconnect the beep noise.

We've now moved it from the kitchen because of it. The 'reminders' are really, really annoying. I actually watch the clock and open the door at one second to spare so I don't have to hear the 5 beeps.

(Thanks for the laugh BTW firefly - we also have a young baby )
Daughter's alarm clock which she constantly sets at early hours, leaves it on snooze and continues on in bed for hours on end. The thump when it hits the floor after it shoots off the bed is absolutely dreadful. No amount of telling her to get rid of it works
My dishwasher, like it all seemed great when I was marrying her, but there you go........

A rip of a line I heard "...hi, in Kerry we don't buy appliances, we marry 'em.."
This metal thingy for cooking poached eggs. You hang it on a kind of hook to the side of the pot and this spoon shaped device is below the water line with the egg poaching in it.
My ancient printer that suddenly comes to life as you are trying to change the ink cartridge and starts zipping back and forth.

Have turned nice work colleagues into real anti-social introverts. Sitting all day swiping at a screen.

yep, i got one of those also. Radio controlled, it said. Load of rubbish.
My dishwasher, like it all seemed great when I was marrying her, but there you go........

A rip of a line I heard "...hi, in Kerry we don't buy appliances, we marry 'em.."

Thanks for the great laugh Betsy... I bet you're "appliance" has you well in hand!!!

And the clock is hilarous Sue Ellen...must get one of those.