And I thought FG and labour would be honest!!!


Registered User
Goes to show I should not have voted to really register my disgust now as I did vote for change I feel even worse - the mail on sunday today front page has an article saying Government advisers are breaching pay guidelines and getting away with it.

Now we know why AIB are putting pressure on to do the same.

FG/Lab turned the banking crisis into a political fooball to win votes.

They demonised FF & they made needless false prmises.
FG/Lab turned the banking crisis into a political fooball to win votes.

They demonised FF & they made needless false prmises.

I think FF demonised themselves but I agree they made needless false promises.

The pay cap is a silly populist sop. The real question is who the advisors are and what they do to justify their salary (whatever that may be).

They are not breaching any guidelines. There is a pay cap. If this pay cap is to be broken, the Taoiseach and the Minister for Public Service Reform must agree to this. That is what the guidelines state. As Purple says, we should know who these people are and what their quilifications are before making a judgement on their entitlement to their salaries.
how many advisers does edna need now when he does what the ecb/imf say? interesting thought is it not?

No, I never saw that post and after a quick look it does not apply to my postings.

My memory is too good so I can remember what FG/LABOUR were spouting at the lead up to the last election and foolishly you hope there may be a breath of change ie honesty and integrity but it did not take long for the same as it ever was to kick in. viz we will only have so many ministers, gone by the board, and other little bits and pieces slowly whittled away.

When I read about the pay caps etc I said to myself, wait just wait and I was proved right. ENDA has 7 advisers and all of them have breached the pay guidelines. Leadership is from the top and cascades down, well we know what will cascade down from Enda's example.

At the same time the next budget will hammer those least able to bear the burden while Enda spends our money on advisers that are not needed.

They say we deserve the politicians we get but I bet at the next election the won't fair too well and is he bothered, no as he will sail off into the sunset with a nice goodbye package.

I just like to keep the item in the frame and I only use Enda as he is the taoiseach after all. Actions such as those I have described will inevitably lead to people becoming more and more disillusioned and taking to the streets.

And this section is for letting off steam!!
