And he didn't mention the war

Duke of Marmalade

Registered User
Basil would be proud of Bertie. 45 mins to say what he liked to the assembled American politicos, and you wouldn't even think that American soldiers are being killed presumably even as he spoke.

Took a good opportunity to get a plug in for the EU and the Lisbon Treaty. I mark his card as follows:

Diasporra - 6/10
The undocumented - 6/10
Liberte, fraternite, equality and all that - 3/10
Climate change

Did you expect controversy?
you wouldn't even think that American soldiers are being killed presumably even as he spoke.

He did say that if Americans ever doubted that they could make a positive contribution to the world they should remember their support of the peace process in Northern Ireland. He also thanked them in the European context for bailing Europe out of two World Wars and also eventually bringing an end to the cold war. That was far more effective. He also laid it on thick about how Ireland believed in multilateralism.

He did get the word "Iraq" in once when he mentioned the Irish peace keeping mission on the Iran/Iraq border.
you wouldn't even think that American soldiers are being killed presumably even as he spoke.

How many do you think ACTUALLY died during this 45 minute speech, ignoring the obvious soundbite factor.
He also thanked them in the European context for bailing Europe out of two World Wars and also eventually bringing an end to the cold war.
lol. A lot of support his predecessors ever gave to standing up to the Germans or Russians....or more lately some years ago even joining the coalition of the many countries helping to liberate Kuwait / fight Saddam for example.