Analogue Cable TV


Registered User
Hi there,
wonder if anyone can assist - have recently moved back into house after period of extension and my TV reception has disappeared - pure snow at the moment

not sure what the problem is - the TV/FM box at the window introducing the cable is not attached to anything and i cannot remember if it was/should be and if so what sort of cable should attach it to TV/ or other outlet??

don't know where to start (short of ringing NTL which is the logical thing to do but couldn't be a@@rsed at this stage involving them)

can anyone offer me any suggestions to what I know is a fairly obscure and unclear problem

Has the service been disconnected and you need to contact ntl: to get reconnected? Maybe during the renovations the cable was damaged and needs to be repaired by ntl:? Do your neighbours on the same run of cable receive the signal OK?
am still paying up for ntl (usually a month late but that's by the by)
next door neighbour's signal is fine
..know that ntl will be the obvious answer .... just don't fancy them coming out and doing their usual - installing another connection, putting another hole in the wall etc. (and throwing off all the split connections that were carefully put in by the previous owner of hte house)
impossible to say..need more detail. At a very basic level there should be a cable coming from externall source feeding a little box in your room. This cable should then feed into your TV and there you go.
The cable could feed into your video which then feeds into your TV. But you need to have a path back from the TV to the NTL source basically...
You said there's no cable connecting your TV to the wall TV outlet. That's definitely the most likely source of your problem. Use a coaxial cable, you can pick them up in any electrical shop for a few euro.
ok, actually had a look at what was wrong last night instead of just making assumptions:eek: (not that i'm saying i found a solution - am pretty rubbish at working this through...)

problem lies with the cable from the NTL box to the back of TV / video / socket in wall - this has been broken over the course of the renovations (i found this out when i found the video, complete with its power supply and also *most* of the NTL cable - can only assume that someone (and i'm not blaming my wife really) must have yanked it out of the socket when tidying the equipment away before the building started) i did manage to get a fussy (not snowy) reception for all the normal tv channels (rte - bbc - etc) last night but i think that the ntl cable is feecked so

.. now my question is twofold -
1) do i have to get a new cable from ntl (to fit their box) or is this a generic type of cable supplied somewhere (if yes, where would that be) and
2) i need a splitter to give me the appropriate cable tv access to points in the other rooms in the house - i think it is a small triangular shaped box with one input point and two output points - is this correct? and if so, where would i get same?

many thanks for all your replies yesterday ... may i be so bold as to request your knowledge again today please
You can get those cables and splitters in any decent hardware or electrical store or even the electrical departments of department stores (e.g. Roches etc.). Bring the damaged cables etc. along to match the new one against it. The splitter should be easy to find too.
thanks Clubman for that - got my hands on the screw in cable to the ntl box and a splitter for the wall socket - now i have a question as to the amount of 'snow' interference (but i opened a new thread to ask that question)
