An Post Rant


Registered User
Sorry folks but have to let off some steam regarding An Post.

Begin Rant

Went to my local PO today to purchase 500 stamps for a mailshot. Queued for half an hour, got to the top of the queue to be told by the clerk that An Post do not accept credit cards only cash !! I ended up having to go and withdraw the cash and then queue up again!

In the name of all things divine, surely in the 21st century the major postal service for this country should accept credit cards for transactions?

Rant over - peace and calm returning <g>

Especially considering I think you can pay your Credit Card bill in the post office - is it only cash they accept?
What about Laser or cheque?
Maybe open to correction on this but AFAIK, Eircom wont accept visa either. Tried to pay a bill a month ago over the phone with eircom accounts and had to pay with laser, I didnt mind but found it unusual.
I'm always caught out in Aldi/Lidi - I forget they only accept cash!
car said:
Maybe open to correction on this but AFAIK, Eircom wont accept visa either. Tried to pay a bill a month ago over the phone with eircom accounts and had to pay with laser, I didnt mind but found it unusual.
EIrcom accept Visa for direct debit payments.
kazbah said:
Especially considering I think you can pay your Credit Card bill in the post office - is it only cash they accept?
What about Laser or cheque?

Don't know about cheque, but I was told not credit cards (no matter what brand) and no laser either.

aldi won't take a cheque , even for a computer costing €1000. An Post won't take cheques for stamps as you can use them before the cheque bounces. Eircom won't take a credit card for their accounts. aib wont take a cheque their credit card bills. Mbna won't take one of their own cheques for an mbna credit card bill:D. I needed four tyres for motor about 2 months ago. did the deal over the phone ( keen I admit) went down on the Saturday mornng and was in a Q for tyres when I noticed a big sign over workshop - no cheques, cash only. Had to find a cashpoint and withdraw cash to pay for tyres, and Q up again. So its not all cc's and laster yet and I heard on the news last week that one of the main banks was discontinuing laser. Think it was BOI.
Aldi/Lidl are very clear about the fact that they only accept cash or Laser (with no cashback).
cuchulainn said:
I heard on the news last week that one of the main banks was discontinuing laser. Think it was BOI.

BOI recently started using chip & pin for all new/re-issued laser cards so I doubt it is them who are going to discontinue it, seems it would be a big waste of money after investing in the chip & pin technology.
Capaill: Did they want the cash in notes - used and in insequence order?
After paying my SSIA at an Post offices for years they still want ME to sign the docket they are handing out at the counter. In every other business the receiver of the sum signs the docket ...... when will they arrive in the 21st century? I suppose when they don't handle the pension checks no more, another "social business" they have a monopoly for .
heinbloed: I think you are signing that you agree that the amount deposited is as per receipt. maybe not. not everybody will be on the max of the ssia and maybe it verify's claims at a later date.