An Post plans to take on banks with new current accounts

This should be based on Kiwibank in New Zealand. I would have liked to see EBS or even PTSB 'forced' into co-operating with An Post but can't see that happening....

Sorry, but I simply could not agree with you on that point about merging it with either EBS or PTSB .. neither of those institutions have the skillsets to run their own operations properly, not alone take on a project like a merger with An Post. They struggle to get the basics right, not alone anything more than the basics.

Both of those institutions should be sold off and acquired (or merged) to more capable and experienced banks (which are not state owned).

what is happening with this? it's the middle of the year now, well past early this year???

I'm sure there are some consultants making a small fortune out of this...
EBS is owned by AIB so I presume you don't have much confidence in them either. I wouldn't be a fan myself.

When I say EBS or even PTSB I'm talking about just a bank option - the bank would still have it's own branches but would operate through An Post as well.

It be fantastic if the Government did a deal with Virgin Money - sell EBS to them and then re-brand and away you go -bit of competition and people could be brought in that know what they are doing.

Kiwibank is a huge success story. I wonder could we get them over.
EBS is owned by AIB so I presume you don't have much confidence in them either. I wouldn't be a fan myself......

We are half way through 2016 and AIB continue to recruit staff for their FSG (Financial Services Group) unit, to try and repair their loan book. I understand that AIB currently has over 1,000 staff working in their FSG unit ... While big ships take time to turn, AIB's slow progress with fixing it's loan book says it all at this stage !

I agree with your thinking on the likes of Virgin Money and Kiwibank by the way, but suspect our Government are no where near commercial enough to manage to get organisations like these into Ireland ...
David McRedmond Group Chief Executive of An Post mentioned in the Oireachtas that we should have this in the next few months.

An article appeared in The Sunday Times and stated no overdraft facility but the account would have rewards. It may not be a FREE account.
The article is here. (Article is behind a paywall but one can register and read 2 articles per week for free).

The Sunday Times mentions transaction fees but rewards for certain activities. The offering sounds similar to the PTSB Everyday Banking product.
Great to see An Post entering the current account market.The majority of bank customers are fed up of the poor service from the banks.i.e.long queues,no staff and a total indifference to customers.
The word on the ground indicates David McRedmond and the new chairman will put An Post on the right road.

Just wondering, have An Post been recruiting to bring in experienced people to help launch this new service and ensure it's run properly ? An Post do not have the skills and experience in house to manage things like SEPA in my view and if they are to do this right, they can't be just hoping it will be alright on the night.
Yes very little info on how it will operate. Are they getting help from an actual bank? No overdraft and I would imagine no cheque book but I could be wrong. Surely a mobile app will be offered. Will card be contactless? Will statements be e-statement only?
Good questions... hopefully someone inside An Post has both asked and found sensible answers for them
long queues,no staff and a total indifference to customers.

can't tell if you're being sarcastic here - you're describing my local post office to a tee. At least if I go to AIB the staff are in uniform, the PO staff look like they just got out of bed and walked into work through a hedge.
No I am not sarcastic.I am giving my experience of my local P.O.
As the old saying goes "doctors differ and patients die"
can't tell if you're being sarcastic here - you're describing my local post office to a tee. At least if I go to AIB the staff are in uniform, the PO staff look like they just got out of bed and walked into work through a hedge.

Sadly, that is not far off the description one might use for my local post office also ... and I live in the "big smoke", not somewhere near "ballygobackwards" in case anyone is wondering.

AFAIK, many of the post offices are actually franchises so not run directly by An Post. That may explain why the opening times, dress code, level of services etc. all differ so much. If I am correct, then An Post really need to deal with this sort of stuff, as part of an overall effort to get back on track....
What about privacy?

If I hold a current account in my local PO how does An Post ensure that my daily expenses, salary payments etc. don't become a topic of discussion in the back room of the PO as they sip tea around the Stanley?

There's a lot to be said for bank personnel indifference!
An Post current accounts will launch in Q1 2017. Will be a basic offering but it will not be free banking. Source: Sunday Business Post.
The Sunday Times are also reporting on this here. "A key element of McKinsey’s recommendations, involving the launch of a full-service current account that will reward customers based on how much they spend, is being pilot-tested by An Post and will be unveiled in the coming weeks".

Well said Paddy, not a hope would I give my local post mistress privy to my financial state. Maybe I paranoid but...
There's only a handful of company offices, mosthe are contractor operatored. An Post already tried Postbank and have a tie up with BOI

Thinking out loud here, but does the local post office actually have any reason to need to see your balance or individual transactions ?

Why can they not just be the place where you go to lodge / withdraw, submit a request to set up or cancel a standing order, request a statement or interest cert etc ?

The individual post offices won't have any ability to give credit from what I can see, so why would they actually need to be able to see your individual transactions such as salary coming in, or balance on your account ?

Actually, going half a step further with that, the local post office is the last place that should have authority to sanction credit - if ever there is to be credit approved, it should be done centrally by trained and experienced decision makers.

Simply locating a printer on the opposite side of the counter from the postmaster (postmistress ) would be sufficient to ensure that they don't get to view your statement, if you are getting one printed.

All that said, I can't see this type of facility appealing to the masses, unless it also comes with very impressive internet based banking, quality apps for Android and Iphone etc.
The Sunday Times have (again) said that the An Post current accounts are a few weeks away.