An Post delays because postman was out sick


Registered User
I was expecting my car insurance and road tax documentation last week but neither arrived me even though both the tax office and insurer insisted they had been posted to me the week before. In fact I hadn't received any post at all for the entire week.

So I called to the local post office in case there was a strike on or something. They said they didn't know of anything, but they gave me the number of the distribution office. I rang them and lo and behold they had all my post for the week. Apparently the usual postie was off sick and the new postie didn't have the code to get in to my apartment block.

Is this the norm? I would have thought that there is an obligation to deliver post and not just stock it up if someone is off sick? I called to the office and collected my own mail as I didn’t really enjoy driving around with out of date tax and insurance.

Anyone else here ever have that problem?
We got no post for 2 days in our business park because our post man was off sick.
we got no post for a week because our postman was on holiday and his replacement didnt think we were there anymore....
Dont talk to me about the post in Lucan. We get nothing all week and then a glut of stuff on Saturday
We get hardly anything during the week because there are not enough postmen in the area,so we do not have a delivery every day. Maybe twice a week, three times at best. One of the postmen who looks after the other areas delivers our post on a Saturday on overtime.
Same sort of thing with me. Live out in the country and post was infrequent at best. Talked to the postie one day and he said it's not worth his while comming every day to the area so he waits until there is enough built up and then delivers it.
Only annoying thing is that the old lady up the road has the same name as the wife and we keep getting her post. Wife has maiden name on almost everything so I think the old ladys big dog could have something to do with it.:)
Don't hold your breath because I have yet to get a responce from them via email. I have sent letters re lost items and have got cheques for €10 on 2 occasions.
Apparently the usual postie was off sick and the new postie didn't have the code to get in to my apartment block.

If the new postman hadn't the code to get into your block what did you expect him to do. He tried to deliver the post but was unable to do it, that's certainly not his fault and it's certainly not his problem, it's yours.

Likewise, with more and more people living in gated communities, how do the residents expect people to go about their normal legitimate business, if that business involves calling to a house or apartment, which is located inside the locked gates.

If people choose to live in places where they lock out the rest of the world, I don't see why they complain if people can't get access to them, that's the whole purpose of the locked gates isn't it.

Maybe its time the residents of these apartment blocks and gated communities looked at putting the letterboxes outside the gates, or else put up a phone number that a legitimate visitor to the estate can ring, if they want to gain access.

I would also imaging that if the postman attempts to deliver a letter and cannot gain access to your letterbox , that An Post would be within their rights to return the letter to the sender.

As for the other posters, who have suffered a delay due to staff shortages or whatever, they would seem to have a legitimate gripe IMO,

If the new postman hadn't the code to get into your block what did you expect him to do. He tried to deliver the post but was unable to do it, that's certainly not his fault and it's certainly not his problem, it's yours.

Me-ow! Saucer of milk for one! I have been renting here for a year now and my post has been delivered without problem. If An Post have a problem with a gated apartment block ( I thought most of them were gated these days?) then I haven't heard about it. If they can deliver my post to me for 51 weeks, then why not 52? How do they normally get in here?

Likewise, with more and more people living in gated communities, how do the residents expect people to go about their normal legitimate business, if that business involves calling to a house or apartment, which is located inside the locked gates.

What legitimate business do these folks have with our private places of residence? Could you give some examples here so I could respond more clearly?

Maybe its time the residents of these apartment blocks and gated communities looked at putting the letterboxes outside the gates, or else put up a phone number that a legitimate visitor to the estate can ring, if they want to gain access.

I am simply a renter here. If the landlord/owner/developer had wanted to put the post boxes on the outside then I'd have no probs with that. I have lived in appartment blocks all over the world. All of them had post boxes on the inside, and there was never a problem delivering mail.
What legitimate business do these folks have with our private places of residence? Could you give some examples here so I could respond more clearly?

I am simply a renter here. If the landlord/owner/developer had wanted to put the post boxes on the outside then I'd have no probs with that. I have lived in appartment blocks all over the world. All of them had post boxes on the inside, and there was never a problem delivering mail.

Examples - an Post, (plus DHL and other private delivery companies) firebrigade, gardai, meter readers (ESB & Gas) TV licence inspectors, Census enumerators, ambulance personnel to name but a few
