An Post and the mislaid €200m



does anyone else think its odd that an post, who pleaded poverty to the extent that they claimed they were unable to pay sustaining progress to their staff ( and pensioners, of whom my dad is one), and who looked for large increases in the price of postage, and who are always banging on about the unions etc have now found a drawer in the gpo with €200 million in it. or how else could can they explain losing money year after year and then suddenly having €200 million in cash. ( Larry Donald, from An Post has announced that An post has €200 million in cash, Sunday Times yesterday). the labour court ordered an post to pay the sustaining progress last december after accountants were asked to examine the books. is this the normal way of running a large semi state company now?
Re: An post and the €200m

cuchulainn said:
is this the normal way of running a large semi state company now?
Is it the correct way? No
Re: An post and the €200m

unable to pay sustaining progress to their staff ( and pensioners, of whom my dad is one

I wonder how pensioners can sustain progress at their former place of employment
Re: An post and the €200m

Sherman said:
I wonder how pensioners can sustain progress at their former place of employment
Good point! They don't. Hence the National pension reserve fund.
Re: An Post and the mislaid €200m

it could have been worse, they could have found an unpaid bill for 200 million instead...

Re: An Post and the mislaid €200m

In their most recent accounts I could find for 2004 they had cash of about E80m and they sold some subsidiaries in early 2005 for E85M. They roughly broke even in 2004 so if they did similar in 2005 the effect of operating profits may have been neutral. They have also been selling off some of their property portfolio which might account for some more cash. As most of these likely inflows of cash were one off events it would not be prudent to take them into account when deciding on costs. If the pension fund is actually underfunded then it would be prudent to use these one off gains to rectify that.
Re: An Post and the mislaid €200m

agree Dam: but part of the reason for losses in previous years was because they 'bought' those assets during those years. also as far as I am aware the still have the parcel office site on the naas road for sale (€30m) and later on a few large premises which are no longer being fully used as the delivery offices have moved to greenfield sites and the telephone exchanges at the rear of them are vacant since God knows. Drogheda and Galway are two in prime locations but there could be more. those greenfield sites were also developed during the years of ' losses' so why shouldn't the profits from sales of property released be counted as profits during the year of sale?. Sharman, I assume you are not saying people who worked 40/50 years for An Post/Dept p&t should be left on fixed pensions forever. in most cases they have no other income and are not eligible for social wefare. we are supposed to treasure our senior citizens, not ignore them. Daithi:they still might . An post certainly seem to have problems. social welfare payments maybe moved to the banks ( do the banks want small customers?) electronic mail is bound to be having an effect. Bank of Ireland who have an agreement with the British Post Offices recently named those customers as 'sub footfall' (nice). the price of petrol etc is also bound to have had a large impact on the cost of transport etc etc. So I assume they are entitled to their price increases. my dad says that according to the union 78 pensioners died during the two years an post witheld the sustaining progress, with an post claiming inability to pay. just seems wrong if the money was there all the time.
Re: An Post and the mislaid €200m

Purchasing properties does not create losses in and of itself if you are referring to the price paid or do you mean they lost money due to write downs of assets that had declined in value?
Dont know DAM099: only connection with an Post is dad. but i gather that an post show everything as operating costs, including the redundancy cash they paid to the sds staff of €20m last year. otherwise they would have shown a profit of €25m. also they never borrow to purchase buildings or machinery, everything comes out of the cash kitty. anyway dad and his coleagues got their increase but they are still owed about 5% arrears for 2004 as an post claim they can't afford to pay it. I really only posed they question to see if anyone else though this was odd. before Christmas when an post was claiming poverty I heard matt cooper on the last word describe an post as a basket case. basket case of cash as it turned out.cheers