Gerry Canning
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Hi Steven;
Agree with you and Brendan ; amazing how time forgets!
Agree with you and Brendan ; amazing how time forgets!
Generally I like his pieces in the Sindo, I would not damn him for misjudgments in the past, we all make them, I'd rather have him in the media making his own style of contribution rather than never being heard.
Time to move on I think.
Fair enough -- Shane Ross should explain why he's never retracted his comments.We all get some things wrong. But Fingers was clearly unfit for purpose, but Ross continued to laud him. How or why did he miss that?
Kudos for the recommendations, I agree with them although they're a matter of opinion. And there may have been no way of knowing that Irish bank regulation was beyond incompetent, to the point of being non-existent. (Although, then one shouldn't be asserting that all was well).I was wrong in saying that Irish banks were safe and were well regulated. It did appear that they were.
But look at the rest of the interview:
Irish banks are regulated, but not guaranteed - that is a clear distinction.
If a bank is badly managed, it should be allowed to fail.
The deposit guarantee should not be increased from €20k. Someone will have to pay for the increase.
Yes, but Bank of Ireland, for example is still down 94% from that date, and that's after the 160% increase that Wilbur Ross cashed in on. The banks were completely holed below the waterline (and some still are for that matter).And in a few years time, we will look back and wonder why we did not stuff our boots with bank and other shares. - ISEQ Overall Index is up 40% in the 5 years and 8 months since.
Nowadays I would treat statements about Irish commerce and the Irish economy from anybody, no matter who they were, with the deepest suspicion. I think the days of trusting any individual on the strength of reputation are long over.
I would be inclined to agree except I saw he was pushing quite a few candidates in the Locals - two of which hadn't a breeze about their area. They were clueless about their own area. Them, being amateurs I didn't mind - but why was he endorsing them ? (Struck me as self-serving)