An Bord Pleanala - Inspector report


Registered User
I sought permission for an extension some time back. A neighbour objected and the Planning Officer of DCC granted permission with no changes. The neighbour has appealed to ABP. I'm told an Inspector will come out to review the case and they will require access but the visit will be "anonymous".

Just wondering if anyone has experience of such a visit? Do you get to meet the inspector? If not how do they get access to your house / garden?

AFAIK the inspector will not plan to meet you or discuss anything with you, I am not sure if the inspector will even visit the site in every case. Sometimes s/he will just review the file from the local authority. However you can, and should, make a submission to ABP which will then be taken into account by the inspector.

I would strongly advise that you do this, although there is a fee involved, to ensure that all aspects of your case are taken account of.

By the way the Inspector will carry out a full review of the planning application, not just the point that has been made by the person who appealed, so you should take this into account.


Thanks Jake, I did make a detailed submission via my architect to ABP (including photos etc). I was told by ABP this morning that the inspector would vist the site but because the cotentious issue is ar the rear of both houses I think it's very important that he can gain access - my neighbour was very economical with the facts provided to support his objection.


PS. Do you know if the 18 weeks target time is normally achieved by ABP?
I don't know if the 18 weeks is statutory or not. Your architect would surely know. However even if it is statutory, ABP can extend it for certain reasons. As one of those reasons is under capacity or lack of resources, there is often a strong liklihood of the timeframe being extended. I suppose it depends on the region you are in.
The 18 weeks is rarely achieved, they are not bound by it, they just have to advise you if they are gong to need longer.