my next door neighbour applied to the local council to convert his 4 bedroom bungalow into a 6 bed/6 bath monstrosity of a dormer. Aside from the fact that it was not going to be in accordance with the other houses in the estate, it was also going to dramitcally overshadow our house.
We objected and the local council turned him down, he appealed with new reduced plans, got rejected again, he appealed to An Bord Pleanala, the inspector to his credit recomended that the application be rejected, but here's the nub of my problem, someone in An Bord Pleanala still granted him permission, even though their own inspector and the local council were not in favour.
Does anyone know how this can happen and what the "process" within An Bord Pleanala is?
Also, the building work is going to have a major effect on our house whilst it is going on as the houses are close and I cannot see how he can do some of his work without putting scaffolding on the dividing wall. Can I legally prevent him from doing this
Lastly, if we had to sell, and we fear we have no choice here, if the house has lost value, can I sue him?
my next door neighbour applied to the local council to convert his 4 bedroom bungalow into a 6 bed/6 bath monstrosity of a dormer. Aside from the fact that it was not going to be in accordance with the other houses in the estate, it was also going to dramitcally overshadow our house.
We objected and the local council turned him down, he appealed with new reduced plans, got rejected again, he appealed to An Bord Pleanala, the inspector to his credit recomended that the application be rejected, but here's the nub of my problem, someone in An Bord Pleanala still granted him permission, even though their own inspector and the local council were not in favour.
Does anyone know how this can happen and what the "process" within An Bord Pleanala is?
Also, the building work is going to have a major effect on our house whilst it is going on as the houses are close and I cannot see how he can do some of his work without putting scaffolding on the dividing wall. Can I legally prevent him from doing this
Lastly, if we had to sell, and we fear we have no choice here, if the house has lost value, can I sue him?