An afterlife?

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I know this is a 'mad' question but........... how many people believe that there is some sort of life after death? If you answer, please start your answer with a 'Yes' or 'No'.

It's a crutch
"No matter what pain and suffering I'm going through a better life awaits me"

When realy, you have one life, life can be unfair, bad people get away with many things and ruthless people can get ahead and walk over you
And Bus Éireann could knock you down in the morning even if you're the best person in Ireland

At the same time if you use it to your advantage like hitting goals and cutting procrastination you can help yourself

Ever tell your children or maybe your parents told you that the beloved family dog went to doggie heaven?
It's a nice thing to say, it's comforting to think about it but it means nothing

I think our sense of existence post-death will be the same as our sense of existence pre-birth.

I could be wrong!
I was a sceptic too but a family member went to a medium reader in London last year whilst on holidays. None of the usualy rubbish and no prompting /leading questions. The information provided was way too specific and there's no way someone from abroad would have this level of detail about my relation and our family. When this family relation told me of their meeting I was still sceptical until they produced a tape recording of the session. I kid you not.

But if the X-Men movies are true maybe my consciousness will awaken elsewhere in a new body. Maybe Ill also be able to control peoples minds!
No, I think once you're gone, you're gone.

But I have a lingering doubt because a fortune teller/medium got a lot right about my life and told me a man in a flat cap with the initials "JJ" was watching over me, along with a woman who was a great cook.

My grandpa wore a flat cap (not unusual, I admit), had the initials "JJ" and my granny thought she was a great cook and no one had the heart to put her right.
Yes. I'm a failed agnostic. I appreciate that there isn't much logic to it, just a leap of faith; I suppose I just don't accept that everything is random and pointless.
Hi Firefly, you seem to be not only the only one who is saying yes, but you seem convinced. I find that intriguing. I am like the others who have replied. I think there will be no afterlife, but I really hope there is. Without wanting to sound crazy, I lost somebody that I hope to speak to again.

I know nothing about fortune tellers or medium readers but I heard someone say that they are experts in reading into the people that come to see them, i.e. they draw conclusions about body language, accents, vocabulary, dress sense and read into the reactions they get from what they say to you. In addition to this, they do make wild guesses about stuff that occasionally will be correct.

Now, without asking for too much (time or personal details) from you is there anything persuasive you can say about that medium reader that would make an anonymous stranger on the internet believe that you are correct?

Wow...the pressure!

I do believe in God and always have done. Having said that I was and am completely skeptical of mediums and fortune tellers and believe that the vast majority are swindlers.

Regarding the medium in question:

The relation of mine is in fact my mother. She was visiting family in London and she and my first cousin (who is very close to her) got chatting about mediums and angels (don't laugh!). Anyway, my cousin used a medium close by from time to time and offered my mother her spot the following day. I was suspicous immediately as I thought the medium would have garnished some information from my cousin but the specifics before would have been unknown in the main to my mother.

The medium in question is booked out for 2 months in advance I believe. When my mother came home and told me of the medium I asked her 2 simple much was the session and how long did it last. These are important questions to me as if it was expensive and quick I would be dubious. The cost was 25 pounds and the session lasted for just under an hour (in central London). My mother then produced a tape of the session and played it for us.

To put this into context, my mother is not by nature a very chatty or expressionate person. In fact she's an incredibly good listener, if anything, and her posture and demeanour when meeting someone new would be to be curteous and quiet. It was aparant from the tape that my mother, when asked a question would just reply yes and no.

Listening to the tape, a few things struck me

The format of the conversation was a bit different to what I was expecting - the medium would state a fact and then ask my mother for confirmation. The facts were very specific. She didn't ask something as obvious as "are you from Ireland" or anything that silly.

A few specific things:

The medium told my mother that both of her parents were present in the room and described them in detail. My grandfather wore a particular type of garment every day and she described this. She also described both of their manunrisms very accurately.

The medium described a structural problem in our family home that has been present for the past 15 years (not part of the main structure).

My mother used to keep a specific type of small farm animal for approx 2 years approx 15 years ago and the medium stated this. (My mother dresses in modern, city/urban clothes and would not come across as a typical farmer's wife (we aren't farmers and no disrescpect to anyone...just a term I hope conveys what I wish to convey!)

The medium was able to tell my mother of a sickness that she unfortunately has, and described in detail a family member who brings my mother for checkups and treatments. She was able to tell my mother the family member's name and describe her traits.

The medium told my mother how many children were in her own family. My mother refuted this number as it was 1 larger than the actual amount but the medium politely said, no her number was correct. A few seconds later my mother confirmed that one of her brothers was still-born.

There are probably others, but these stand out.

Are ye all spooked?
I am closing this pending review by the moderators.

I suggest that there may be better websites to discuss the existence of gods and related subjects.

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