Amy Winehouse found dead aged 27 in London flat

A loss to the music world ok.

She was very talented compared to many who are on the scene now, but her life was looking like it was going to end up in this conclusion for a while now.

It was a foregone conclusion especially when she sang lyrics like "They tried to make me go to rehab but I said NO NO NO"

Still sad though.
What a great talent lost, her voice and songs were great. The police haven't said if it was drug/drink related, but it seems likely. She was the epitome of live fast, die young.

Addiction is such a huge destroyer of lives. Just chatting to a friend tonight about someone we both know who is very successful, very rich, and totally hooked to drink and drugs. His life is miserable. Today, he spent the whole day drinking in his well-appointed apartment, one of five homes he owns, totally out of his head. It's real crash and burn stuff, but it seldom hits the headlines unless it's someone famous.

RIP Amy. I hope she finds the peace she never got in this life.
Joplin, Hendrix, Morrison, Cobain and now Winehouse.

There's a Great Gig In The Sky if ever there was one.
Joplin, Hendrix, Morrison, Cobain and now Winehouse.

Sometimes known as the '27 Club'

Gram Parsons didn't even make that club, dying at 26 after a morphine overdose. Keef Richards had sent Gram away from the recordings of Exile on Main St in the south of France, as he was worried about Gram's excessive drug intake. When Keef is worried about your drug intake, you're in big trouble.
Very sad for someone to die so young but also it seemed very inevitable.

I wonder why it is though when someone dies people rush out to buy their albums..surely if you had wanted it you would have bought it previously.

There's a great piece on Amy by Russell Brand on his website.
Firstly RIP - I am a fan and she was far above the usual karaoke popstars.

However - since this is Letting Off Steam - I think it is terrible that her father lived in New York and did not move to London to help his daughter.

I'm sure he tried but I don't know any father who would continue to live in another continent while their daughter slowly fell to pieces and died. It's not as if he would not have known about her situation!

P.s. - I have not read anything about her Mother but if she is alive - the same comments apply.

A bit harsh. Wasn't the Father just playing a gig in NY. I thought he lived in the UK. I don't know anything about their family life but the parents were often in the news pleading with their daughter to get help. Not sure what they could have done. I also remember one time, he tried to gte her sectioned. These people can often not be saved despite everyones best efforts.
Very Harsh QED. I have been watching some old interviews with her father on Sky, he had indeed tried to get her help several times, but she refused. At the end of the day she was an adult, making her own decisions. There was one article I read yesterday written by a former addict who said it is almost impossible to get an addict sectioned in the UK.

Quote from the Russell Brand piece I posted a link to earlier

Frustratingly it’s not a call you can ever make it must be received. It is impossible to intervene.
He apparently was on a plane to New York when the news broke and only found out when he landed and got the first available flight back
Apparently he lives in Kent and is a part time jazz singer himself. He was only on tour to NY.

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Maybe a little OTT but I had read that he was a part-time taxi driver in New York and he did not spend much time in London.

He was a part time taxi driver in London, dont know if he still is though.