Amtrak - opinions


Registered User
HI I was wondering has much experience of travelling by amtrak, e.g. are the stations ok or dodgy, are the trains comfortable for overnight journeys,etc. thanks in advance,

12 years ago, a group of us travelled from NY to Washington, Philidelphia Atlanta, New Orleans, Orlando and back up to NY on Amtrak. The trains are pretty good standard, the chairs recline etc, but as can be expected you don't get a good night's sleep on them. We found the stations clean and pretty safe.

You will go a bit stir crazy on long journeys...we did some 20 hr trips and vowed to never do it again.

If you can afford air travel, I would recommend it over Amtrak, but if you can't, it's doable.
HI I was wondering has much experience of travelling by amtrak, e.g. are the stations ok or dodgy, are the trains comfortable for overnight journeys,etc. thanks in advance,


Amtrak is fine. I've used it a few times in the last number of years and have found
it to be a pretty good service. Plenty of room, seats that recline. Dining carriage and
snack bar, plenty of space to stroll around.

The stations will vary in the level of cleanliness and service but they seem pretty
safe and mostly clean.
A room can be booked for the longer train journeys, with a shower and tolet etc.. We had a room on the train from Flagstaff (near the Grand Canyon) to Chicago ( the train started at LA) last year, our journey took about 44 hours, but we got off on the way.

It can be a great way to see the country, as stations tend to be in the centre of town, they re handy to get to. Most of the longer routes have double decker trains witha site seeing lounges on the upper deck with seats pointing out to the scenery. If you book a room the meals in the dining car come as part of the price, and I found the food excellent ( 2 and three course meals, with steaks etc.).

I found it a very nice and relaxing way to travel, with less of the hassle involved with geting to airports on the edge of town etc. and security etc. Most of the stations were very nice and clean, and the staff very courteous. I cetainly plan more train trips in future.

One caveat, was that we had planned to get a train from Chicago to New Orleans before the disaster in NO, we chose to get off in Memphis instead and visit Graceland, the full dining service was cancelled on this route because of lack of custom, but the train was fine besides. You can book the rooms/tickets online, price wise they weren't that bad, and Amtrak were very easy to deal with when we needed to change our tickets.
Used Amtrak and Greyhound bus when in the States just to get a taste of what it was like! Amtrak was great! Very comfy seats, station was fine and easy to buy tickets! We took the train to get to New Orleans and there was an upper deck with huge glass windows and the view when you were travelling along Lake Ponchetrain was fab!

Greyhoud bus was an experience! Running commentary from a very funny busdriver with a very strong Southern US accent! As with busses the world over it was packed and stuffy and not at all suitable for a long journey (our was only short thank goodness).


I did Boston New York with Amtrak and found them excellent. Comfortable, reliable and great scenary on route. it is a great service to experience when in the US. Pity Irish rail wouldnt take a lesson from them. Stations do differ in facilities and cleanliness but overall, most impressive.

Enjoy your trip
Would second the above. Boston to New York with Amtrak is very scenic, especially in the Winter. The train is comfortable and service is excellent.
I really enjoyed the 1 or 2 journeys i took, and if your destinations are all on a train route, and you have enough time, then i'd recommend it. If nothing else, you'll get to appreciate the vastness of the country.
Bear in mind that trains don't have a good punctuality record, not helped by the fact that freight companies own most of the lines

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I've done a couple of shorter Amtrak journeys (Boston - NYC, San Diego - LA) and will be doing a 15 day stint this April (NYC - Chicago - Sacramento - Seattle - Vancouver - Montana - Portland - San Diego).

Trains are comfortable, if very slow/unpunctual. Can't vouch for the sleeper situation, but will know a lot more in May ;) It's a good way to actually see a lot of the country, though there's big gaps in the network.
Chartering a Plane - Rugby World Cup 2007


There is a group of us who would like to charter a plane from Dublin to Paris for the Rugby World Cup game vs France. It works out significantly cheaper than using the airlines but I am unsure how to go about it. Any ideas?
Many thanks,
Re: Chartering a Plane - Rugby World Cup 2007


There is a group of us who would like to charter a plane from Dublin to Paris for the Rugby World Cup game vs France. It works out significantly cheaper than using the airlines but I am unsure how to go about it. Any ideas?
Many thanks,

How does this relate to Amtrak?