Amsterdam "scum villages" for anti-social behaviour

Excellent idea,put all chav types on all on an island with assorted blades,chains,bulldogs etc and leave them to each other,give the rest of us a decent life away from their scummy machinations.

Seriously though I think its an excellent idea,no doubt someone will be along to post how cruel such a suggestion is and how it impacts on their hooman roights (sigh)
looks like the dutch learned a few tricks from the nazis all those years ago!
The trouble in Ireland (& UK) is that no-one sees any reason to curb their bad behaviour, if there were consequences there might be behaviour change.

So I think its a great idea - its only for 6 months and its only if they've turned up their nose at a previous opportunity to change. Anyone who finds themselves there has no-one but themselves to blame.

Poverty is probably not someone's fault, but making your neighbours life hell is certainly your own fault.
Excellent idea,put all chav types on all on an island with assorted blades,chains,bulldogs etc and leave them to each other,give the rest of us a decent life away from their scummy machinations.

Only if we also installed cameras and got to vote on various contestants.
Only if we also installed cameras and got to vote on various contestants.

X Factor meets Roller-ball meets the Running Man.

We could call it Chav Wars.Last Chav Standing.

Finally telly I would happily watch all night long,I have a list of individuals I would dearly love to see on such a programme,indeed I strongly suspect Daily Mail readers would be its most loyal viewers,its probably just as well as individuals like me never rise to power....

...or is it?
We could call it Chav Wars.Last Chav Standing.

Chav Combat: Street Fighter

It could spin off a whole series of shows - Bear Grylls in Chav-zone Survival, Chav-Factor, My Big Fat Chavvy Street Fight, TOWISV (The Only Way is Scum Village).

Vote for Knuttell!!
Excellent idea,put all chav types on all on an island with assorted blades,chains,bulldogs etc and leave them to each other,give the rest of us a decent life awa

An island full of skangers?

It's called Cobh

Yeah I said it