Amount for Holy Communion


Registered User
I know this comes up every year, but has the amount given to Holy Communion children come down or is an absolute minimum of €20 still expected?
I suppose it depends on how well you know them / parents

Is it a niece, nephew, godchild, neighbour's kid etc etc?

Expect the govt to start taxing these donations too so cash only!
We gave €20 to a neighbours child recently.
I suppose for neice or nephew we'd give more than that
For my daughter, who made her first Holy Communion on Saturday, it seemed to work out at ..

- uncle/aunt - €50
- neighbour - €10
- school friend - €5
I wouldn't give anything to a non-relative and even then I would only give to a relative I was reasonably close to. I didn't give my brother's daughter anything as I have only met her 3 or 4 times.

I don't understand why people give to neighbours or school friends though!

I would give the maximum of €20.00, if people think that is tight-fisted then tough, I have bills to pay!

Don't worry, I wouldn't give them money. A pair of rosery beads should make them happy.
People should only pay what they can afford to pay.

It's not a competition. I only give money to my family for these occasions.

I attended my nephew's communion over the weekend. I gave him €20 by post. He was delighted to receive the card by post addressed to him.

But, I was attending a party in the house on the day so I brought a bottle of wine and a pot plant.

Marion;1165686But said:
I was attending a party in the house on the day so I brought a bottle of wine and a pot plant.[/B]


Like a real "pot" plant Marion? Was the party at Ming's ?

No Horusd.

Just something I picked up in Superquinn on my way. This was a family occasion after all!

Depending on how close the nephew is a minimum of 30 Euro ( ah go on make it the fifty !!)
Of course as one poster said the kids love to get something in the post so don't forget about them the rest of the year. If you pick up a Premiership football programme of their team they would be delighted to get a letter addressed to them with that.
+1. This is the approach I take also. I have a LOT of nieces and nephews and couldnt afford to give more than 20e. Likewise if attending a party in the house I would bring wine/ chocolates or cakes.