Amex Credit Cards - Chip & Pin?


Registered User
I have an American Express Credit Card for past few years. It was issued by one of the major banks in Ireland. I got it primarily for online purchases - I never use it for day to day stuff (have another card for this).

Reason I got it in the first place was for added security when doing internet shopping. I deliberately got one with low limit, so if someone did get hold of the details, there is very little damage they can do.

Current card is still a year short of its expiry date. Was issued just prior to chip & pin, so is the old style card with no chip. I expected that at some stage, I would be sent a new card with the chip & pin, however, to date all I've got is the occasional letter in the post saying chip & pin is being introduced incrementally.

Was in shop at lunchtime and saw the sign that a lot of retailers have saying that non-chip & pin cards will not be accepted in shops after 17th March 2007. This sign reminded me about my Amex card. The card is in date, valid and has never been chip & pin (I assume that they probably wont get round to issuing a chip & pin until it exires next year). Whereas it doesnt really bother me as I dont use it in shops, what would happen if I tried to? Would it be accepted? What do people who only have an Amex card do?
March 17 was the date after which if your card had a chip you had to enter a pin to confirm the transaction. Before this you could still sign as authorisation.

However is the card doesn't have a chip then signature is still accepted.

I have an amex blue (charge card) without a chip and use it.
The law basically states, if you have a chip and pin card then you must have your pin if you do not have your pin then the card will be refused, (although my machine still lets me override pins if i want)
If your card has no chip such as amex, ptsb lazer cards etc then you can sign without any problems if a merchant says they cannot accept it, they more than lilkely they dont have a clue what theyre on about!
Hi Csirl

Yes you can use your Amex Blue by signing the slip. I use mine as much as I can (not all shops accept Amex blue) for day-to-day shopping to avail of the 1% cash back.

When I got a merchant account from AIB there was no option to accept AMEX or Diners. I take it these are not widely used in Ireland?
It's worth pointing out it's not American Express in general, but it's a particular issue with the BOI Amex Blue card I believe ... for example all UK issued AMEX cards are Chip and Pin and have been for some time.

I think another reason why quite a lot of Merchants don't take them is that the fees they must pay are higher than those with Visa/MC transactions ... Having said that though because of this for the consumer Amex tend to be better with Air Miles / Cash Back etc. and therefore consumers tend to prefer to use them if they can - I know I do :)
I have an Amex card issued from the US. It has no chip and pin and I use it in Dublin (and London last week) on a signature basis and have had no problems so far.
Thanks for answering question - sounds like most places have still accept them.