American missile defense in the Czech Republic


Registered User
i was reading the paper teh other day and there was an article where by America had agreed with the czech's to deploy their missile defense system in czehoslovakia. i konw that they are also speaking to Poland and other Eastern European countries. I think that the missile deployment comes under the umbrella of Nato. Russia has hit back saying that if the missile deployment goes ahead then they will have to deploy missiles on their borders to counteract the american deployment. I think that Russia is totally right in the deployment by America is a direct act of provocation by the US. I mean what would America say if Russia were to deploy missiles in Cuba?!? has anyone else got any views on this?
Russia did deploy missiles in Cuba.
The Americans took their missiles out of Turkey in order to get the Russian ones out of Cuba.
they hoodwinked those stupid commies good

But it was actually a clever piece of political game playing between the two countries. The Russians knew that the Americans were pulling out of Turkey anyway. It was played in Russia as a victory for the Russians.
The American's took their missiles out of Turkey months after the commies took theirs out of Cuba as part of a secret deal.

The missiles going into the Czech Republic are interceptors. They pose no serious risk to the Ruskies who have more than enough war heads, delivery methods and counter measures to overwhelm the defence. The system is in response to the Iranians and their much less capable missiles should they decide to take a pot shot.

I think the US is humiliating the Russians by letting countries on their borders join NATO. Why antagonise the bear?
It was played in Russia as a victory for the Russians.

You mean the soviets...anyway pretty much everything that happened in the world had a slant put on it before the people were informed about it. The west was better informed about Chernobyl than the soviet citizenry...they probably still think that Drago beat Rocky...
thought it was the x band radar that was stationed on a island (cant remember the name) that was being moved to the czech republic and 10 interceptor missiles were being deployed to poland .missile deployment in exchange for modern us weapons
I think the US is humiliating the Russians by letting countries on their borders join NATO. Why antagonise the bear?

The US didn't put these missile defences in the Czech Republic without permission - maybe the reason they were allowed by the Czechs is that the countries on Russia's border are growing increasingly scared of the Putin/Medved regime's militaristic/nationalistic/glory of Russia hubris and know deep down that the EU cannot protect them from an increasingly assertive and aggressive Russia.
I was thinking more of countries like Belarus & Ukraine that are right on their border. I support this system going into the central European countries that the Russians don't have compelling security interests in.
I would still be a bit worried about Russia long term. It is not a democracy, has received a shot of steroids in the arm from a high oil price, and is currently sniffing around Georgia to try to reextend its sphere of influence.

This is an extract from todays FT
"Mikheil Saakashvili, the pro-west Georgian president, on Friday appealed for western support at the “highest level” in Tbilisi’s worsening dispute with Russia over Abkhazia and South Ossetia, two Moscow-backed Georgian breakaway territories.
Speaking a day after Russia admitted its fighters flew into Georgian airspace over South Ossetia, Mr Saakashvili told the Financial Times that Moscow’s approach was a challenge not to Tbilisi but to the US and the European Union."

Unfortunately, we need to anchor the fringe eastern states into the western sphere to keep a credible democracy alive, and that means NATO, the EU and a potential european defence pact.

We should not kid ourselves about Russia, just see how they helped China veto sanctions against Zimbabwe yesterday. ( kind of makes a joke of the "triple lock" Ieland has to authorise our army getting involved with anything. The security council never acts a noble force for good).

Europe still needs the US for her defence. We are currently moving from a world with one major power, to a multipolar balance of power. We are blessed with our geography in Ireland, many others are not so, and we should not criticise them for trying to secure their democratic and free market existence.
Certainly we should support their democratic aspirations. But what's the point of letting them into NATO? Does anyone seriously believe the US and Western European members of NATO would go toe to toe with the Ruskies if they felt threatened enough and decided to retake a few buffer countries. Having them in NATO makes that more not less likely.